


Check out the full list of changes coming to GWENT with Patch 3.2! For those wanting to hear some background on the decisions you can check out our Developer patch Overview.

General changes:
  • Fee abilities that target other cards can now be used without the need to re-click the card with Fee for each use, provided sufficient Coins are available.
  • Improved first-time user experience.
  • The Ranked Progression deselection option will be available starting at rank 7 and above.
  • Following a successful test earlier in August, the standard Arena will be changed so that picking the Arena leader is possible before building an Arena deck.
  • Twitch streamers will now be able to share in-game information with their viewers using the newly introduced GWENT Observer overlay.

Rework of 14 cards which will have full mill value for 4 days:
  • Hemdall
  • Svalblod Cultist
  • Gremist
  • Corrupted Flaminica
  • Tuirseach Bearmaster
  • Restore
  • Cerys an Craite
  • Waylay
  • Panther
  • Half-Elf Hunter
  • Weeping Willow
  • Bruxa
  • Garkain
  • Nekurat

New Features:
  • Fee, Order, and Deploy cards will provide the Player with better visual feedback upon card selection and before use confirmation.
  • Added a variety of interactions to the Game Boards.
  • Added dedicated audio on-use effects to each Leader ability.
  • Added dedicated icons that will be shown in matches to each Leader ability.
  • Leader ability icons will now be shown on the redraw screen, which eliminates the need to hide the redraw screen in order to check Leader abilities.
  • The deck selection has been redesigned in order to display the Leader ability and provide additional information in case a deck is not valid.
  • Added additional gamepad vibration for navigating menus and for events happening during matches.
  • An option has been added in settings to set player names to always collapse or expand during a match. For new players, player names are expanded by default.


  • Dandelion: Poet provision cost changed from 14 to 12.
  • Korathi Heatwave provision cost changed from 12 to 10.
  • Musicians of Blaviken ability changed to: Deploy: Gain randomly Shield, Doomed, Resilience or Poison.
  • Musicians of Blaviken power changed from 4 to 6.
  • Sangreal provision cost changed from 7 to 6.
  • Scorch provision cost changed from 14 to 13.
  • Triss: Telekinesis power changed from 2 to 4.
  • Villentretenmerth power changed from 5 to 6.

  • Dettlaff van der Eretein ability changed to: Order: Give an enemy unit Bleeding for 3 turns. Charge: 3 When all Charges are used, Spawn Ekimmara on random allied row.
  • Abaya power changed from 3 to 4.
  • Barbegazi power changed from 5 to 6.
  • Bruxa ability changed to: Thrive. Deploy: Give an enemy unit Bleeding for 2 turns.
  • Crimson Curse provision cost changed from 11 to 9.
  • Gael ability changed to: Deploy (Melee): Damage an enemy unit by 1. If it's Bleeding deal 3 damage instead. Deathblow: Boost self by destroyed unit base power.
  • Garkain ability changed to: Every allied turn, on turn end, boost self by 1 if there is a Bleeding enemy.
  • Keltullis power changed from 6 to 9.
  • Keltullis provision cost changed from 10 to 11.
  • Miruna ability changed to: Deathwish: Seize an enemy unit with 4 or less power.
  • Nekurat ability changed to:Zeal. Order (Melee): Give an enemy unit Bleeding for 2 turns. Cooldown: 2.Whenever you play a Vampire card, reduce this unit's Cooldown by 1.
  • Old Speartip provision cost changed from 15 to 14.

  • Eist Tuirseach ability changed to Order: Play a Skellige unit from your graveyard.
  • An Craite Armorsmith Power changed to 2
  • An Craite Armorsmith ability changed to: Deploy: Boost an allied unit by 2. If it's damaged, boost it by 4 instead.
  • An Craite Longship ability changed to: Melee: Whenever your opponent plays a unit, damage it by 1.
  • An Craite Marauder power changed from 3 to 2.
  • An Craite Marauder ability changed to: Deploy (Melee): Split 3 damage randomly between all enemy units.
  • An Craite Warrior provision cost changed from 5 to 4.
  • An Craite Warrior ability changed to: Deploy: Damage an enemy unit by 1. If played from the graveyard, damage it by 3 instead.
  • Berserk definition has been changed to: Trigger this ability whenever base power is equal or lower to specified amount.
  • Cerys An Craite ability changed to: Deploy (Melee): Summon a Drummond Shieldmaiden from your deck on this row. Deploy (Ranged): Summon a Drummon Queensguard from your deck on this row.
  • Corrupted Flaminica power changed from 5 to 4.
  • Corrupted Flaminica provision cost changed from 6 to 7.
  • Corrupted Flaminica ability changed to: Deploy: Boost self by 1 for each Beast in your graveyard.
  • Disgraced Brawler ability changed to: Deploy, Bloodthirst: 3: Lock self.
  • Berserk 3: Destroy self.
  • Donar an Hindar power changed from 4 to 5.
  • Donar an Hindar ability changed to: Deploy: Damage an enemy unit by 2. Bloodthirst 2: Damage an enemy unit by 4 instead.
  • Drummond Queensguard provision changed from 6 to 5.
  • Drummond Queensguard ability changed to: Order, Berserk 3: Spawn a base copy of self and Summon it on the same row.
  • Freya's Blessing provision cost changed from 7 to 6.
  • Freya's Blessing Alchemy category added.
  • Freya's Blessing ability changed to: Play a Skellige bronze unit from your graveyard.
  • Gremist power changed from 3 to 6.
  • Gremist provision cost changed from 6 to 7.
  • Gremist ability changed to: Zeal. Order (Ranged): Purify a unit. Refresh this ability whenever you play an Alchemy card.
  • Hemdall power changed from 5 to 8.
  • Hemdall provision cost changed from 9 to 12
  • Hemdall ability changed to: Deploy: Deal 1 damage to a random enemy unit on a row, for each unit on that row.
  • Raging Bear ability changed to: Deploy: Damage an allied unit on this row by 2. If there are no targets, damage self by 2.
  • Restore has now the Alchemy category.
  • Restore ability changed to: Heal an allied unit, then boost it by the amount it was healed.
  • Sigrdrifa's Rite has now the Alchemy category.
  • Sigrdrifa's Rite ability changed to: Summon a Skellige unit from your graveyard to an allied row.
  • Sigvald ability changed to: Order (Melee): Damage a unit by 1. Cooldown: 1.
  • Berserk 4: Damage a unit by 2 instead.
  • Svalblod Cultist power changed from 3 to 4.
  • Svalblod Cultist ability changed to: At the end of your turn, heal the unit to the left by 1 and damage unit to the right by 1.
  • Svalblod Fanatic ability changed to: Berserk 2: Transform into Bear Abomination.
  • Tuirseach Bearmaster power changed from 1 to 4.
  • Tuirseach Bearmaster provision cost changed from 6 to 4.
  • Tuirseach Bearmaster has now the Warrior category.
  • Tuirseach Bearmaster ability changed to: Deploy: Give an allied Beast Vitality for 3 turns.
  • Bonded: Give an allied unit Vitality for 3 turns instead.
  • Tuirseach Veteran ability changed to: Deploy: Damage self by 3. Berserk 2: Heal self.
  • Vildkaarl ability changed to: Berserk 2: Transform into Champion of Svalblod.

Northern Realms:
  • King Foltest ability changed to: Order: Boost an allied Northern Realms unit by 1 and give it Zeal. Charge: 3
  • Queen Calanthe provision bonus changed from 16 to 15.
  • Bloody Baron power changed from 7 to 6.
  • Draug ability changed to: Deploy: Transform all allied Humans on own row, into Kaedweni Revenants, without changing their power.
  • Keira Metz power changed from 7 to 5.
  • Princess Pavetta provision cost changed from 7 to 8.
  • Roche: Merciless power changed from 5 to 4.
  • Roche: Merciless provision cost changed from 11 to 12.

  • Dana Meadbh provision bonus changed from 15 to 16.
  • Francesca Findabair provision bonus changed from 13 to 15.
  • Francesca Findabair ability changed to: Order: Play a Scoia'tael special card from your graveyard.
  • Call of the Forest ability changed to: Play Scoia'tael unit from your deck and boost it by 2.
  • Call of the Forest provision cost changed from 9 to 10.
  • Dol Blathanna Bomber ability changed to: Deploy: Damage 2 random enemy units by 2.
  • Dryad's Caress ability changed to: Purify an allied unit and boost it by 3. If you control a Dryad, also give it Vitality for 3 turns.
  • Dwarven Mercenary power changed from 4 to 3.
  • Dwarven Mercenary provision cost changed from 5 to 4.
  • Half-Elf Hunter ability changed to:Harmony. Deploy: Spawn an Elven Deadeye to own row.
  • Hawker Smuggler provision cost changed from 7 to 6.
  • Ida Emean aep Sivney provision changed to 8 to 7
  • Ida Emean aep Sivney power changed from 4 to 5
  • Ida Emean aep Sivney ability changed to: Deploy (Melee): Purify a unit. Deploy (Ranged): Give an allied unit vitality for 4 turns
  • Mahakam Marauder ability changed to: Deploy: Gain Vitality for 2 turns. Bonded: Gain Vitality for 4 turns.
  • Mahakam Marauder provision cost changed from 7 to 4.
  • Morenn provision cost changed from 8 to 7.
  • Panther ability changed to: Deploy (Melee): Damage an enemy unit by 2. Deploy (Ranged): Give an enemy unit Bleeding for 4 turns.
  • Pavko Gale ability changed to: Order (Ranged): Damage a unit by 1. Cooldown: 1. If you control only Scoia'tael units, damage a unit by 2 instead.
  • Sirssa power changed from 3 to 4.
  • Treant Boar provision cost changed from 8 to 7.
  • Water of Brokilon ability changed to : Spawn 2 Dryad Fledglings on the row.
  • Waylay ability changed to: Damage enemy unit by 3. Deathblow: Spawn Elven Deadeye on random row.
  • Weeping Willow ability changed to: Harmony. Deploy (Melee): Gain Shield. Deploy (Ranged): Poison enemy unit.

  • Anna Henrietta provision cost changed from 15 to 16.
  • Emissary ability changed to: Spying. Deploy: Boost an allied unit by 7.
  • Fire Scorpion power changed from 4 to 3.
  • Serrit ability changed to: Deploy: Damage an enemy unit by 2. If Auckes is in your hand, damage that unit by 4 instead.
  • Serrit provision cost changed from 9 to 8.
  • Stefan Skellen ability changed to: Order: Spawn and play copy of last Tactic card you have played this round.
  • Yennefer's Invocation ability changed to: Place enemy unit or artifact at the top of your deck.

  • New legendary card added to Syndicate faction - Walter Veritas. Deploy: Create and play a bronze Syndicate faction card.
  • Bounty ability changed to: Whenever a unit with Bounty is destroyed, the player who does not control it gains Coins equal to its base power. When Bounty is placed on a unit, remove Bounties from other units on that side of the board.
  • Cleaver ability changed to: Order: Play a Syndicate special card from your deck. If its provision cost is 10 or less, gain 2 Coins.
  • Dijkstra ability changed to: Order: Gain 1 Coin. Charge: 5. Gain 1 Coin whenever you play a Crime.
  • Eavesdrop provision cost changed from 5 to 6.
  • Fisstech ability changed to: Profit 4. Poison a unit.
  • Flying Redanian power changed from 4 to 3.
  • Flying Redanian provision cost changed from 10 to 9.
  • Igor the Hook ability changed to: Insanity. Fee 5: Spawn a base copy of a bronze allied unit and Summon it to Igor's row. Cooldown: 1.
  • Swindle ability changed to: Profit a random amount between 3 and 5.
Game Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue whereby using a unit's Fee or Order abilities with a gamepad would result in ability selection being lost.
  • Fixed an issue whereby input with arrow keys (keyboard) was not recognised.
  • Numerous tooltip fixes and improvements.
  • Various SFX and audio fixes.
maybe in the future expansion we can get some gold cards to support the poison archetype in SY? love you CDPR <3

There is one now:
Weeping Willow ability changed to: Harmony. Deploy (Melee): Gain Shield. Deploy (Ranged): Poison enemy unit.
There is one now:
Weeping Willow ability changed to: Harmony. Deploy (Melee): Gain Shield. Deploy (Ranged): Poison enemy unit.

They were asking about Syndicate, not Scoia'tael, so presumably the self-poison archetype.
He asked for SY not ST.
Changelog looks great, though I wonder if Blue Stripeds might have been a bit overnerfed. They were hit by Pavetta by 1 provision, Roche by 1 strength and 1 provision and Draug only being on 1 row anymore. And moreover, they were usually played with Foltest. But let's see.
Small thing but I really like the Panther change even though I don't play Scoia'tael. It makes sense for a feline to cause bleeding. :D

One of the Nilfgaard changes is going to hurt. Might need to change my deck a little, we'll see.
The changes are coherent and feel right: Foltest and the big NR golds tuned down, nerf of dwarven mercenary/fire scorpion, and DJ end of the reign (+Flying redanian+bounty), I think this patch is well thought. Better late than never !

I'm a little worried by Francesca, we'll see.

This is quite a big balance patch, even if Jason want us to believe this is a small one because of challenger incoming !
So could anyone from CDProjectRed tell me how we are supposed to play a ST Deck and still win?

Just need to play again MN.

Anyway, looks good. I hope more balanced meta. DJ now its fine, and also Foltest seems better. Lets us check how its going.
So Svalblod Cultist is a much better Temerian Drummer and it's cheaper by 1? Great!
Cerys in Svalblod is 11 for 10 and thin by 2. Great!
Stop making obviously OP cards, that's what's worst for the game.

Call of the Forest should be 12p.
Don't like Francesca's provision buff.

I would prefer provision change to Keira Metz instead of power, keeping her at 7str makes some counters to her move viable. Also i don't like this trend of strong cards getting cheaper, allowing decks to have more of them, instead of choosing the ones that fit deck the most.

I'm disappointed that Portal didn't get nerfed, card is unhealthy, too rng dependant, way stronger in round 1.
Also would like to see tourney joust back to it's former form of dmg/buff by 3. It's actually those 2 cards that made Fire Scorpion's problematic, not Fire Scorpion itself.

Everything else looks fine, some of the buffs are questionable but ok!

Guess we are back to SvalGOD meta, followed by Francesca, Eithne, and some NR.
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So could anyone from CDProjectRed tell me how we are supposed to play a ST Deck and still win?
Take it from the unofficial ST ambassador (myself), this patch is actually very good for ST. Francesca had got huge buff (to such a level that I still can't believe it). An all elf deck had got a huge buff with Half-elf hunter (who cares about Harmony?) We are getting two elves with 3 power on board. ST will be very good after the patch. Mainly due to Francesca and Half-elf hunter. Also, Weeping Willow can support poison too.
Not sure, it's written heal, not boost. Requires quite a setup to be as effective as drummer.

Cerys is OP of course.
Oh you're right, i thought it's boost, maybe because they showed priest 1st in the video. I suspect she will still be very good tho.
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Why did Francesca need a buff that also severely restricts its playstyle? It's literally just the Call of the forest leader now.
That's just the trend in this update. Restriction and streamlining.

Now Bran has no momentum with Cerys in his graveyard but at least he has a tutor for shieldmaidens. Because that totally synergizes with leaders other than Svalblod. And Bearmasters which weren't even tier 1 get downgraded to a generic card that doesn't synergize with anything but itself.
Now Cleaver can't play in one of his only good decks with A-rush Avallach but at least he can tutor Novigradian justice or Pickpocket which is all he's good for now.
Foltest is pretty much still the same with the guaranteed ridiculous momentum shifts but hey Draug is terrible (more so in non-Foltest decks) so it's balanced.
Now Igor, which was one of the most interesting and flexible cards in SY, is way worse when the problem was always with DJ's charge cap (which is now also implemented so he's just a different flavor KoB). Now the whole bounty package is severely downgraded because of Executioner which was untouched.
Nilfgaard also gets even more disruptive thanks to a card that requires no setup, can't be punished and can pretty much ruin a whole game, especially in mill decks which are already terrible to play against.

It just seems like whoever's coming up with these changes is doing their best to circumvent any actual balancing and instead fixes cards around leaders in an effort to streamline everything. Now Draug and Roche are only as playable as they were in Foltest decks or Igor with DJ. This goes against the whole Foltest/DJ power baseline they promised with the last big update.

And monsters are still unplayable trash.
Francesca had got huge buff

Now the witchers can no longer play with the call of the forest, nor the muzzle in a control-oriented deck, no more double ragnarok. It was one of the most versatile leaders in the construction of deck and now limited in a completely incoherent way, especially when she was not one of the most powerful.

It does not matter if you win 5% additional, it is already just a preconstructed leader like others who are continually seen with only 1 type of deck and nothing more.

A very lazy change, every time I see that they put less interest in what they do regarding the balance. "We don't have to control the variants if we make everyone play the same."
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