PC control and interface improvements

Just posting these suggestions in the hopes someone at CDPR might read them. Feel free to suggest anything.
  • Allow explicit unbinding of keys. It’s annoying to have to map over other keybindings and then back just to get rid of unwanted keybindings. Also, it's okay for actions to not have a default keybinding.
  • Allow two keybindings for the same action. Nice for greater control customization. There’s more than enough room for this on the keybindings menu.
  • Allow rebinding of the activate/use key. The default binding should be E not F. Industry standard.
  • Allow rebinding of the character, inventory, crafting, etc menus. Pretty standard as well.
  • Add an interface option that disables camera auto-centering when driving (or ever). It's annoying when using the mouse to look around the world and the camera resets itself automatically.
  • Separate vehicle reverse and brake into two different keybindings (or add two new keybindings that can be bound independently). Sometimes the player has to back up to get out of a tight spot. It can be awkward to use the brake keybinding to backup if it's been remapped.
  • Add a dodge keybinding. If the player is holding the dodge keybinding while pressing a directional movement key the player will dodge in that direction. Typically the dodge keybinding is bound to a side mouse button while the movement keys are on the keyboard. It's easier to twitch dodge when pressing two keybindings at the same time than it is to press the same keybinding twice in a row.
  • Add keybindings for double tap dodging in each direction. This allows the player to unbind double tap dodging if they want. This is very important for the above feature since it's annoying to accidentally double tap dodge.
  • Remove aim assist / sticky targeting from scan mode. It's very annoying to tag the targets you want. Whatever target is underneath the crosshairs is the target I should have highlighted and can be tagged. If there’s a maximum distance to tagging get rid of it. So long as I can see the target (either directly or using the Ping quickhack) I can tag them.
  • Fix the quickhack menu navigation. While in scan mode and while looking at a target (device, enemy, npc, etc), the player gets a list of quickhacks they can perform. This menu uses the mouse wheel to select different options. This means you cannot use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out while looking at that target. The player has to look away from their target, zoom in or out, then look back at the target. Get rid of the mouse wheel selection and use different keybindings for selecting quickhacks.
  • Zoom out the minimap when the player is driving faster than a certain speed. Maybe 70 mph. This allows the player to react to upcoming turns when driving fast and gives them a chance to slow down.
  • Improve the pathfinding algorithm to prefer straight paths with fewer turns. It's really fun to drive through the streets at breakneck speeds (especially on a motorcycle). The fewer turns the more the player can do this.
  • Allow the mouse to control left and right vehicle turning. Reduce the turn speed of the keyboard left and right. I don’t know if this suggestion is exactly spot on. The goal is to improve vehicle handling. It’s way too easy to oversteer and spin out of control.
  • Keep running after landing a jump. I think the parkour in this game is pretty good. It’s annoying to hit the run key again after landing from a jump. Even if the player has to speed up again to a full run they won’t have to hit the sprint key again to do so.
  • Do something about the slide mechanic. Having to double tap the crouch key while holding the sprint key is really strange and awkward to perform. I still don’t understand how it works with crouch (hold) vs crouch (toggle). Maybe add a new keybinding for sliding? Either way so long as the player is running fast enough they can slide when that button is pressed. The player does not have to hold the spirit while attempting to slide. The player just needs enough momentum/speed from running that sliding can be activated.
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