PC - Controls inverted on gamepad

Very obvious bugs these , and easy to fix as its a configuration error in the inputUsersMappings.ini file.

The games control configuration screen shows specifically that select is the game menu and start is the pause menu. However this is backwards in game as select will pause the game bringing up the main menu.

Solution - Reverse inputs in the INI file to the CORRECT setting.

"Use" requires holding the button, but "hacking or jacking in" is a single press. This is backwards, as the "use" command should always be the prime action, with long press/hold as secondary action. Why? To stop the player getting "locked" in to menu's during combat in an area with context menu items. As it is now you can get too close to a display in game when reloading and have the game jump to the breach interface instead.

Solution - Reverse inputs in the INI file. This allows for players to "accidently use" an object but be able to move and correct the issue instead of being locked in to an interface screen "pulling" the player out of combat.

This is literally a 2 minute fix. One that I have already done myself.
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