Peace with the Aen Elle?

Peace with the Aen Elle?

Something always bothered me about the flashbacks in Assassins of Kings, and that is the Hunt pausing at the Ravine of the Hydra. Why? Why stop there and behold the bones of their brethren? They can surely not be searching for the Elder Blood among aged bones that have been exposed to the elements for years, can they? Surely it is more important to sweep up their captives, who have living blood and can be used to narrow their search.

Surely nothing else but the Elder Blood interests them in this cold doomed world?

Or are we wrong, are they pausing at the Ravine to behold their own people in a role they have seen many times before. The role of victim that the humans of many conquered worlds know all to well, subjugated and slaughtered by their Aen Elle overlords. Is this the beginning of empathy, and perhaps a spark of compassion blossoming in their cold killer hearts?

Might it be possible in the Wild Hunt that we can forge a peace with the Aen Elle, surely the Unicorns saw something in them long ago. If an old killer like Iorveth can see hope, and try to forge a new path for his people, might not his brethren also travel the damascus road?

I often joke about hating all elves, mainly because they're just poncy humans playing goody-goody outsiders, but the Aen Seidhe and Aen Elle are amongst the few I can tolerate. Thanks to Iorveth embracing hope, nihilistic and proud Yaevinn and others who are fleshed out and as complicated as any other race, and not poorly handled victims.
I guess they stop there for the same reason why Scoia'tael in Blood of Elves visited Shaerrawedd before they attacked Wenck's caravan. They are preparing for fight and bones of elves was probably just other reminder of why they hate humans.
I also think that peace is probably impossible. If humans would connect Wild Hunt to elves, pogroms like in Rivia would likely start again.
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