Peter only -2 strength in next patch ? ?

4RM3D;n8830690 said:
NG does not have a better way of using Peter than NR has of using Margarita. And both can be Decoyed. Besides, you can make a NR control deck, even though it isn't as strong in open beta. Regardless, the problem doesn't lie with Peter, but rather with the lackluster archetype of NG. So, just nerfing Peter because the faction is too strong, doesn't make any sense. The problem should be fixed at its roots, instead of breaking off a few random branches.

Yeah but the problem is that peter is at least a 9 value card with reset and banish ability , while margarita is a straight 4 value card with lock and reset ability. An tbh im testing the deck with emhyr instead of Jhonny C, and im getting a lot of mmr vs Spellscoia, Dworfs, Jhonny C and his empera brigade, NR henselt RH, have problems only vs skellige and Monsters cause they don't have any useful buffs. Using a bit modified version of this deck
Flowneppets;n8831040 said:
That's correct. The sum of nerfs will amount to about one bronze value less. That's a big deal when many wins are by just a few points in the current meta. Should be adequate that NG sees less play.
What annoys me a bit is to see people complaining about pretty much every NG card and want to see them gone or nerfed instead of appreciating how well the faction is designed. The goal should be that all the other factions get decks that are equaly versatile and can function in many configurations, not to nerf into the ground the one faction that already works really well from a design standpoint.

Get used to it, mate. This is true of every online game. People who are not good at the game feel offended that another choice was better than theirs, so they want it punished. They're not looking for balance, they're looking for vengeance.

A guy is playing with a crappy deck and making poor choices, gets beat by a card that is an obvious auto-include staple. Instead of adjusting his deck to the presence of said card, he wants it gone - nerfed into the ground, because he can't stomach the idea that his deck was subpar. He wants the whole reality adjusted to him. That's the very definition of scrub behavior.
PandaLin;n8819490 said:

Correct. Peter isn't the problem. The problem is the ability to play him over and over with decoy, Cahir (who is much to strong) and Assire (who also allows NG to play Roach 2x).
cgidiot;n8832020 said:
Get used to it, mate. This is true of every online game. People who are not good at the game feel offended that another choice was better than theirs, so they want it punished. They're not looking for balance, they're looking for vengeance.

A guy is playing with a crappy deck and making poor choices, gets beat by a card that is an obvious auto-include staple. Instead of adjusting his deck to the presence of said card, he wants it gone - nerfed into the ground, because he can't stomach the idea that his deck was subpar. He wants the whole reality adjusted to him. That's the very definition of scrub behavior.

I see what's your point , in your opinion everyone should play nilfgaard laddering and screw the other 4 factions. 70% of ladder are playing Nilfgaard , 15% skellige, 7% monsters, 5% scoia , and 3% of NR. The problems of NG is the strength of Auckes and Peter, There is 4 viable NG decks played on ladder 3 of them are running both cards, cause u know why ? having 2 cards countering at least 5-6 cards is very good. Id say that having 2 cards that counters most viable faction decks in game atm, that's why NG is so low skill requirements faction. You can miss play but you know that you have the right tools in hand just to counter the whole deck. The only viable faction at 15+ rank vs nilfgaard is monster weather and you know why ? cause deck have low power spawns w/0 buffs and they dont give a damn about peter and auckes.
amgname;n8833430 said:
I see what's your point , in your opinion everyone should play nilfgaard laddering and screw the other 4 factions. 70% of ladder are playing Nilfgaard , 15% skellige, 7% monsters, 5% scoia , and 3% of NR. The problems of NG is the strength of Auckes and Peter, There is 4 viable NG decks played on ladder 3 of them are running both cards, cause u know why ? having 2 cards countering at least 5-6 cards is very good. Id say that having 2 cards that counters most viable faction decks in game atm, that's why NG is so low skill requirements faction. You can miss play but you know that you have the right tools in hand just to counter the whole deck. The only viable faction at 15+ rank vs nilfgaard is monster weather and you know why ? cause deck have low power spawns w/0 buffs and they dont give a damn about peter and auckes.

You are missing the point to which he replied to. Imo all factions should get versatile card selection eventualy that don't revolve around one trick pony ideas. I play NG but i'm not attached to it. I will play whatever works best for me.

And you don't really seem to understand why NG is so good right now if you think Peter and Auckes are the problem. It's not them. It's the fact that NG can thin through their deck so well and get to the cards reliably when they are needed. I don't even have Peter in my deck. To me Assire is _the_ core NG silver because she's an enabler of late tempo and counter plays. Yet she's perhaps the only one of the bunch i don't see people complain about.
actually, I've been using NR most recently. And i'm not saying people should all play this or that.

I'm saying that people who complain and ask for nerfs usually have an axe to grind and their "balance suggestions" amount to making a card beyond awful.
Flowneppets;n8833920 said:
You are missing the point to which he replied to. Imo all factions should get versatile card selection eventualy that don't revolve around one trick pony ideas. I play NG but i'm not attached to it. I will play whatever works best for me.

And you don't really seem to understand why NG is so good right now if you think Peter and Auckes are the problem. It's not them. It's the fact that NG can thin through their deck so well and get to the cards reliably when they are needed. I don't even have Peter in my deck. To me Assire is _the_ core NG silver because she's an enabler of late tempo and counter plays. Yet she's perhaps the only one of the bunch i don't see people complain about.

NG is so good atm because literally half their cards are overstated, Peter is certainly not the core of the problem.

the problem is that every single bronze has a minimum value of 12+

as much as it pains me because NG is one of my 2 fav orite factions, there is absolutly NO reson why brigades get casually to 16-20+ power while every other "scaling" bronze require 3 dedicated rounds of buffing to reach the same, or even lower amount.

i think cards that get buffs are simply lazily stated without any consideration:

brigades are the prime culprit because for some reason they get 2power for each trigger instead of 1 power that every other card gets.
reveal and spell can easily reach 12+ triggers each match
discard and mulligan struggle to reach 6-7 triggers each

yet, they are stated about the same.

pirate captains and whatever the mulligan buffing bronzes are called require to be buffed tgo receive 2 points for each trigger, and brigades require to be nerfed at 1 point for each trigger.

this will bring most of the buffing bronzes to about the same level.
amgname;n8814270 said:
when im having 4 buffed reaver hunters

Better nerv the reaver hunters instead. They are BRONZE and get a redicilous amount of strengh and no its not that difficult to make this kombo work.
Its just awful to watch how NR get 50+ with 4 bronzes while other factions never get such a huge amount of power. And no nerv comfirmed.

StrykerxS77x;n8820780 said:
It's easy to not talk about Margarita when up until this next patch she was only in the worst faction in the game.

NR is not that bad as all say. There are rly good cards and combos. Harald hes bad. His tempo is so low and agains control decks u just loose. Moovement and Mulligan scoiatael they are bad. All this 2 and 3 strengh units like blue mountain commandos are just oneshots to nearly every spell or poke. The vrihed brigades clear weather but they are just 4 strengh. Kaedwen siege masters are 2s jesus.
Dont think NR is underpowered.
Btw Peter is rlyy good. Its a silver igni and sometimes even better then igni or scorch. But sometimes hes useles so i guess with 4 strengh he will be still in a good spot but no1 can rly say that hes op ^^
Vladi999;n8838280 said:
. Its a silver igni and sometimes even better then igni or scorch.

Actually, he is a silver mardroeme. If it was a silver igni he probably would be worst than a simple scorch.
shroudb;n8837410 said:
NG is so good atm because literally half their cards are overstated, Peter is certainly not the core of the problem.

the problem is that every single bronze has a minimum value of 12+

That's hyperbole at its finest. You forget that 12+ bronze plays are usualy a combination of two cards or more being played. You need to average the values by cards played and don't forget that spies give points to the opponent so that needs to get subtracted. Ambassadors are bugged currently, i give you that much.

shroudb;n8837410 said:
as much as it pains me because NG is one of my 2 fav orite factions, there is absolutly NO reson why brigades get casually to 16-20+ power while every other "scaling" bronze require 3 dedicated rounds of buffing to reach the same, or even lower amount.

i think cards that get buffs are simply lazily stated without any consideration:

brigades are the prime culprit because for some reason they get 2power for each trigger instead of 1 power that every other card gets.
reveal and spell can easily reach 12+ triggers each match
discard and mulligan struggle to reach 6-7 triggers each

They haven't changed since closed beta and back then they wern't that great because they were prime scorch or igni targets. In a different meta they will suffer the same again.
Flowneppets;n8838450 said:
That's hyperbole at its finest. You forget that 12+ bronze plays are usualy a combination of two cards or more being played. You need to average the values by cards played and don't forget that spies give points to the opponent so that needs to get subtracted. Ambassadors are bugged currently, i give you that much.

They haven't changed since closed beta and back then they wern't that great because they were prime scorch or igni targets. In a different meta they will suffer the same again.

not really:
a)Brigades are some of the easiest buffed bronzes to stagger.

b)12+ points on a brigade is not "a combination of 2 cards" because you get full benefit from emissary/cantarella/joachim/carcass/etc spies.

it's not like Dorfs that indeed you would average the 2 cards.

if we go for average, then let's use a buffing bronze and not a "draw" one, ambassadors:

3 brigades and 3 ambassadors in a round is 6 cards for 66 points and 6 disloyal points. So, exluding any other spies, it's already at 10 value. Every other spy adds 2 on the average.

nauzika cavalry is 11-14 points

medics are a minimum of 9 and a maximum of... a lot, 20+ points in case of QG

tossers are a minimum of 6 and a maximum of alot again, but let's just say that you're nuking your own spies, so 10-12 usually. I would say that people often throw their 3 strength units on them to make them a minimum of 9

emisseries/golems are thinning tools, even for that, their pretty good. Take Golems AFTER the nerf: thin by 3 6 power. That's 3 less average power for 1 more deck thinning compared to the usual 3/3/3 thinners.

even worse, take something like pirates, which are in a severe need of a buff to an at least 8, to make them about equal value to the rest thinners (it would make them 8 power thin by 2, which is still worse, but at least better than 6...)

novices, AFTER the nerf are at least 11


keep in mind, that the supposed "bronze average" is 8.

every single NG unit breaks above that
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Love how you put silvers and ideal scenarios into the equation to proof your point of each bronze being "12+ minimum".
Peter is going to 4 strength is a bigger deal that you can imagine.. Cause you can easily counterplay by removing him as soon as he is played.. If you play a buff-heavy deck, that should be your top priority... But yes this card is so good that it could be a gold card.. And i agree Cahir needs some serious rework...
Flowneppets;n8838900 said:
Love how you put silvers and ideal scenarios into the equation to proof your point of each bronze being "12+ minimum".

What kind of ideal scenario are you talking about, 3 spies is the bare minimum you play each round in round 1 and 2...

just the emisseries and the tossers bring brigades way above 12 in round 1, and in round 2 you'll rainfarn into cantarella into your remaining emisseries to thin out to your finishers...

at least that's how I, and every NG I face, play.

if you have trouble getting each of your bronzes to this value you're doing something wrong.
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shroudb;n8856470 said:
What kind of ideal scenario are you talking about, 3 spies is the bare minimum you play each round in round 1 and 2...

Your scenario with 3 ambassadors and 3 brigades. Like who even runs 3 ambassadors?
As mentioned, the problem with Peter is that he is NG. Which means he can be reused many times with Emhyr.
Making him 4 strength he will be easier to kill so he can't be reused. A good balance without destroying the card.
Flowneppets;n8863820 said:
Your scenario with 3 ambassadors and 3 brigades. Like who even runs 3 ambassadors?

no one, but they are the "buffing" unit required to calculate averge.

pretty much emisseries+tossers bring each unit way over "12 strength" but due to card draw not having a dtraight up numeric value it would be impossible to calculate, hence ambassadors
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