I agree that I expected the Corpo apartment to be lavishly large but I guess that’s what V’s Penthouse is for.
I dunno, I kind of like the real life element there that corporates in New York pay massive amounts of cash for tiny apartments while in lesser neighborhoods, you could buy a palace.
Which is very corpo.
Morality System, Gang Reps, etc.
With the various different factions and things like that in the city I think Cyberpunk 2077 missed big on being able to develop a reputation with various gangs in the city. I think it would have been cool that if you could build up a positive rep with the police, then you could unlock some more shut down the gang type missions. If you got in particular tight with a gang it would open quests with them, but close others. If your reputation got bad enough with the police or a gang then they would shoot on site. Stuff like that.
I think the above is also probably unrealistic for them to do given that it would require a major overhaul of the game and its systems as a whole. But this would be really neat.
I think the problem with gang rep is that the game is flat out built that this would erase 80% of the content. The game is written with the concept of every single gang and you have shoot-outs and conflicts excet you versus the Mox. In addition to the NCPD hiring you for the vast vast majority of "random content" in the Assaults in Progress and Criminal Activity, all of the Fixers are written with you taking missions against people. Tyger Claws, 6th street, Valentinos, and so on.
Bluntly, V is a merc who will work against all of them.
I just don't think how they could do gang rep without completely rewriting the game.
Some of the things I'd like to see via updates, though?
Petty Quests: I'd like to see stuff like paying your rent bill at V's apartment, giving money to Mama Welles/Viktor/Your LI (10K to 50K or so) because a Will is a cool thing for our V to possibly work out making, and possibly more casual content updates that will help expand the content.
Tiny DLC: Basically, they should releaee Free DLC packs for Mox, Maelstrom, Arasaka, and so on clothing packs.
V Apartment Themes: Like the Nexus Mods, you have the chance to decorate your apartment in various styles ala Fallout 3.
Melissa Rory: Her showing up once isn't enough and I think you should be able to go on a date with her where you murder a bunch of Maelstrom (or save them). Then have a one night stand.
Adam Smasher's Apartment: Weird, I know but I hope they put Adam Smasher's penthouse in the game as I'd love to see how they'd envision him.
Call Yorinobu: I'd like to see V and Yorinobu have a conversation outside of the actual game.
Show Car: I'd like the upper level of the car lot at V's apartment to display all of the vehicles that they've acquired in-game.