
I'm a veteran who abandoned gwent many times by now since homecoming. Currently I'm back and wondering how alive the game is, so what is your feeling on this? Is there still a decent playerbase or are we rather declining than stagnating? Are there offical numbers somewhere?
I'm aware of CDs anouncement of stopping active development, do you think - if well implemented - the coming communitybalance will improve the game again?
I have no problem finding players in ranked mode any day of the week. So regardless of the anouncements, you will still be able to play it. I don't like to find the same strategies over and over (archeotypes I think they call them), such as vampires making you bleed, nilfgaard giving you power points to take them away at the end or northern realms with spamming reavers in all rounds, but there are no plan in sight to balance that.
Game is pretty alive, but at low ranks, sometimes, It's a little bit harder to find people (logically).
game is alive, 2 of my friends started playing 2 weeks ago

Yes, the game is so alive that:

  • all the players are using meta decks, so a very high level of variety and creativity
  • 70% of the games is against pleasant Nilfgaard decks
  • players who won more than 4000 games are still playing Nilfgaard Seize 6 decks or Skellige Golden Nekker Magic Compass decks or Northern Realms Reavers decks (you are so ingenious guys, you have my sympathy)
  • many players are having so much fun that they forfeit as soon as they see what is the opponent's leader ability
  • carefully built card advantage matters. So much so that, for example, if you reach round 3 with one card more than an opponent using Scoiatel Harmony (4 cards to 3) you score 25 points while the opponent scores 40
  • the feedback from players is well received by devs. So much so that every patch fixes very sensitive issues like with Bonded Neutral cards, while there is no need to modify Nilfgaard cards (over the last few months it was only important to change the description of the Assasination card)

Someone would say, this is the way
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