Playing other games

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You think women are above that shit? I've been one who suffered abuse as a kid, do you think the women in my life told me anything but to "man up" and deal with it?

If a game portrays black people as animals? Or idk, portrays homosexuality as an abomination? Or portrays rape as something fun? Or portrays women as sexual objects? Or shows the holocaust to be not such a bad idea?

Except none of those except rape and women as sexual objects have ever happened, so I say you are exaggerating.

As for rape. That only happened in ONE game as far as I am aware and guess what it was: A japanese porn game, same with the notion of women as sexual objects.

I am aware it's going to be a long and hard process. Me advocating for regulation to deal with the symptoms does not mean I am unaware of the roots of the problem, or am uninterested in dealing with them.

Well excuse me if I don't want to see the abominations that will undoubtedly show up because of the quick fix until the proper one get's implemented and with all due respect you don't represent the feminist movement. Are you going to tell me there aren't those who wouldn't call it a day after getting a quick fix?

You cannot however make media all be high quality, just like there is plenty of shitty art there will always be shitty media, it's how it goes.
CostinMoroianu said:
You think women are above that shit? I've been one who suffered abuse as a kid, do you think the women in my life told me anything but to "man up" and deal with it?

I never said women are above that shit.

But notice their wording. "Man up"
Should tell you a lot.
CostinMoroianu said:
Except none of those except rape and women as sexual objects have ever happened, so I say you are exaggerating.

Women objectified never happened? Eh, how about every day life.

For instance, what was the point of Megan Fox's character in Transformers?
Or rather I should say, what was the point of Megan Fox in Transformers, because she didn't have a character.
Sirnaq said:
that wording applied only to english tho. In my language it's "deal with it". No matter what gender.

In Arabic we have a "man up" equivalent. Or generally what people say when someone isn't being strong. Including women, we tell them to be a man when we mean strong.
CostinMoroianu said:
Are you going to tell me there aren't those who wouldn't call it a day after getting a quick fix?

Why is it all your arguments are like that?

Yes, some people might take a break after the quick fix. Why should I give a damn? How does their short sightedness invalidate what I am saying?

You cannot however make media all be high quality, just like there is plenty of shitty art there will always be shitty media, it's how it goes.

And I will call shitty media shitty as I please. And I will call on offensive media to be banned.
Blothulfur said:
And I will call shitty media shitty as I please. And I will call on offensive media to be banned.

Well good for you, because I also call this political correctness crusade that's going on just pointless noise with no real substance other then some developers listening to it not because they get the message of what to fix but to stop getting negativity.
slimgrin said: Can't agree with you here. Not even a little bit.

I know it's a controversial subject, and I respect the opposite view. It's one I've held for some time.

But my experience in Canada has shown me that freedom of expression should not encompass offensive content. I don't see why such things should be protected, there is always a way to criticize something including sensitive topics such as religions,with civility, you don't need to be offensive to do it.

When the expression of your opinion trivializes, ridicules, calls for, or is itself a violation of human rights, you forgo any protection as far as right to self-expression is concerned in my books.
CostinMoroianu said:
Well good for you, because I also call this political correctness crusade that's going on just pointless noise with no real substance other then some developers listening to it not because they get the message of what to do fix but to stop getting negativity.

If it's done on its own expecting it to fix the world's problems, sure. Thankfully some countries don't do it on its own, like Canada. And there's still room for improvement.
Thankfully some countries don't do it on its own, like Canada. And there's still room for improvement.

Nor can you in the foreseeable future expect to see this happen even in all "civilized countries". There are a few countries that do it somewhat well, perhaps, but just a few.

But really I laugh at some of the political correctness that goes even in "good games" like the AC series ( and just for the record I have a ton of problems with the PC in AC ) : Calling gypsies romani makes me laugh considering that the very people you are talking about call themselves gypsies.

For every good game however there are dozens that are horrible. But if you ban bad media then that's no good either, you need bad media as a contrast to good one for people to realize what quality is.
KnightofPhoenix said:
I know it's a controversial subject, and I respect the opposite view. It's one I've held for some time.

But my experience in Canada has shown me that freedom of expression should not encompass offensive content. I don't see why such things should be protected,

Won't go into why, as we're so far off topic as to be on another planet. Such content should indeed be moderated and labeled so only adults have access to it. But it should never be banned.
CostinMoroianu said:
Nor can you in the foreseeable future expect to see this happen even in all "civilized countries". There are a few countries that do it somewhat well, perhaps, but just a few.

Doesn't mean I shouldn't call for it.
But yes I am not expecting say Saudi Arabia to indulge me on this.
I am not talking of Saudi Arabia though, no offence but I hardly would call any arab country civilized considering the shit that goes down there.
CostinMoroianu said:
I am not talking of Saudi Arabia though, no offence but I hardly would call any arab country civilized considering the shit that goes down there.

And I wouldn't disagree with you entirely.
Well to lump them all together would be lacking nuance, some are better than others, in some instances much much better than others.

But on the whole yes, it's crap.
CostinMoroianu said:
But really I laugh at some of the political correctness that goes even in "good games" like the AC series ( and just for the record I have a ton of problems with the PC in AC ) : Calling gypsies romani makes me laugh considering that the very people you are talking about call themselves gypsies.

What I love about AC is in large part their nuanced portrayal of other cultures. They still have some problems here and there though. But to have an Arab PC, and then a Native American? With Native Americans voiced by actual native Americans who were part of the creative process? That's great. (Connor, a metis, was voiced by an actual metis too, I love that)

As for romanis calling themselves gypsies. Well it's like black people calling themselves the N word. They can say it, but for someone else to carries a different connotation because of the origin and usage of the word. So I think it was the right thing to do and in any case, doesn't really compromise the quality of the writing.
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