Please allow us to set 2nd or 3rd Stage Evolving Cards as our 'Favorite Card.'

The second stage of the 'Harald an Craite' evolving card is my absolute favorite premium card art in the game. I would really appreciate it if the Devs would consider creating an interface which allows us to select either the second or third stage of an evolving card as our favorite card selection.

Thank you for your time.
Pretty embarrassing that this still isn't possible.
I don't presume to know how difficult such a thing would be to code into the game, I'm just hoping it is possible. I'm also sure a vast majority of current 'Gwent' players would look favorably upon 'CD Projekt Red' adding the different stages as choosable favorite premium cards. Even if they wouldn't personally use them themselves, they could still observe the premium artwork, which is just too good not to add into the collection!
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