Please give Corpos some closure (Possible spoilers?)

TLDR at bottom

Please can we get an extra quest to get a little missing vindication?
I got excited when Frank contacted me only to be hugely let down by how it all played out.

Idea i had is something along the lines of:

One of the agents who worked for you directly has gotten in touch, he was so deep cover he didn't even know you had been removed from the company.
You explain the situation but he insists that he will only trust you and it must be delivered to the head of Arasaka internal affairs. He also says he can have you cleared for entry so wear your nicest Corpo digs.

A certain voice in your head objects, you tell him to shut up (Recycle a voice line) and goes quiet sulking the rest of the job.

So you put on your nicest suit (Preferably the Legendary suit top and some nice pumps, skirt/pants, higher quality the better you will be received/trusted) and make your way in forcing every bit of confidence you can muster without your former hormone balancing implants active.
Trust to the agents word you are allowed access to the floor containing IA and get to meet in private with the head of the department.
They receive your package (intel from the agent) and size you up. If you dressed like trash they pay you and send you on your way uttering about how your standards must have fallen in the gutter, the end.
If you dressed nicely they ask if you are willing to take on an in house job and get a little payback while at it. IA knows who you are and they know what went down because of course they do, they leaked the assassination plot to Abernathy but at the time didnt know Jenkins was the true cause.

In the time since our.... Dismissal Jenkins has made himself near untouchable, IA want you, who knew him best to uncover his dirt, Although the jobs to get Jenkins, there will be a bonus if Abernathy also takes a fall, her nuclear methods towards staff removals, innocent and otherwise are becoming a liability and costing the Corp more than its benefiting from her presence.

So you agree and go to work (Or tell them to go F*** themselves and leave).

First step is to dig around your old offices, put some pressure on some old friends then visit Jenkins himself, shoot the shit, you are sure your very presence, the very fact you are alive is making him sweat, try to talk him into a panic, make him storm out or totally break him (Being wealthier than him in your new life and rubbing it in his face might be a nice touch, what's the Eurodollars cap again? 100 Mil?) plus it will be easier to sell if you are dressed like a CEO instead of a rat. (Legendary once again).
So he panics and storms out to catch his breath, you only have a minute or so till he comes back to his senses but you know where he hides his dirt, he doesn't know that you know but you have seen more than he realized in the past, While in his hidden safe you find some pretty nasty contraband with a plot to plant it in Abernathys office, something he was going to get you too do before deciding on the Hit job, you pocket it then cover your tracks, he re-enters, you make some smug comments and take your leave (Could always disable his camera and put a bullet in him but death is so final, isnt it better he rot on the streets or experience whatever hell Arasaka might have in store?).

Next you go to meet Abernathy, schmooze her a bit, find out she doesn't know who you are nor recognize your face, will be easy enough to put a bullet in her without being seen or maybe you can reveal who you are, probe her for info and make her slip up.
Option 3: You hate to think you are still doing Jenkins work but the punishment for this contraband would be far worse than anything else you would be able to dig up on her, she doesn't know who you are, you need a distraction.... her office looks comfy with a nice sofa.... get flirty....enjoy some.... inter office relations. After while shes in her private bathroom getting tidied up, plant the evidence. This last options only available if you are dressed well and wealthy and haven't revealed who you are (But its fine to do so after she returns from the bathroom....encouraged even for that extra bit of driving the boot in). Job done.

Evidence found, evidence planted or the 'problems' disposed of, you get paid, although he wont be happy if you turned their offices into a bloodbath.

TLDR/Too make things a bit clearer the goal i was going for is 3 options.

1: Revenge. They die, Jobs done, you feel at least a little better but haven't done yourself any favors this day.
2: Corpo Rat for Life: You got the evidence on Jenkins, you incriminated Abernathy, Arasaka is happy, but was it worth it really? (Jenkins and Abernathy kicked out onto the street)
3: Vindication: F***ed over Jenkins, just plain F***ed Abernathy then set her up. Neither were seen again meanwhile you walked away head held high and makeup slightly smeared (If Female, If male there's probably lipstick marks somewhere out of sight.).
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