Please help me spend 800 scraps wisely on this weather deck.

Please help me spend 800 scraps wisely on this weather deck.

This is my current deck in gwentdb:
  • Ragh Nar Roog x1
  • Aeromancy x1
  • Commander's Horn x1
  • Scorch x1
  • Skellige Storm x1
  • Tremors x2
  • Swallow Potion x1
  • Lacerate x2
  • Foglet x3
  • Ancient Foglet x2
  • Wild Hunt Warrior x2
  • Wild Hunt Rider x3
  • Ice Giant x1
  • Water Hag x1
  • Imlerith x1
  • Woodland Spirit x1
  • Caranthir x1
I have 835 scraps to spend. Which cards you think will improve my deck?

A- Caretaker instead of Imlerith.
B- Nithral- specify which Silver would you remove.
C-Gaunther O'dinn
E- spend 800 scraps with 4x epics cards- name them.

PS: I already have Sarah and i do not use her after the nerf.
You have only 3 golds right?

Well, i would stay between caretaker, igni and avallach. In fact, i would use on any monsters deck woodland, caranthir, avallach and caretaker/igni. But hey, i'm not a monsters expert so take my advice with a grain of salt.
No he has four. Ragh nar Roog is gold. I would vote either Caretaker, Decoy or Nithral. If you go decoy or nithral, I would dump scorch. SInce you have lots of weather, scorch is probably an unnecessary card since so few non-monster/non-gold cards are weather immune. If you made me pick, I would say decoy probably. It's just so universally useful in this deck and any other ones you would want to make in the future.
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No scorch? No counter to skellidge high strength weather imune units? What will i do against Ancient Foglets/Ice Giants/Sarah?

Avallac'h does not fit my card game logic: if i need a card, putting a card that makes me draw another card only takes deck space.
Last wish is a better card than Avallac'h in this sense.

But this deck does not need combos to win. as long as i am able to put a fog on the first round, removing the foglets from the deck i am confident to have good draws on the last 2 rounds, more so if Wild Hunt Riders go out on the first round as well:

deck has 25 cards
-10 starting cards
-3 foglets
-2 Wild Hunt riders

I have 3 more to draw over the next 2 rounds, among 10 left on the deck. This logic means mass murder in breeder decks, but helps a lot in cheap weather decks like mine.

geok1ng;n7048360 said:
Avallac'h does not fit my card game logic: if i need a card, putting a card that makes me draw another card only takes deck space. Last wish is a better card than Avallac'h in this sense.

Card advantage.
You pretty much know the Weather strategy is going to get nerfed next patch, so I think you'd be better off saving your scraps until then.

Anyways, I do have Nithral and I don't really recommend him. The situations in which he was useful were far too rare, but since you have Ragh Nar Roog, it might help you more than it did for me.
I picked Caretaker to replace ragnarok . used another 200 scraps to change my water hag for Merigold's Storm.
Now i lack fog effects to remove the foglets on the first round, but this was fixed by changing the leader back to eredin.
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