Please prevent Stregobor and Matta from giving card advantage

I know it’s a relatively rare situation, but I don’t think it’s fair how easy it is to gain card advantage by playing Stregobor turn 1 on blue coin, and if it survives then you gain a card back by playing Matta the next turn. It just becomes an instant Ciri: Dash.

Basically if you play Stregobor turn 1 on blue coin, and it lives after your opponent plays a card, and you’re both at 9 cards in hand, if you play Matta, you’ll both draw making you have 9 cards and your opponent 10, so when Stregobor’s effect activates, you’ll gain a card but your opponent won’t because their hand is full.

Certain cards like that are made difficult to play, or have conditions that your opponent can’t have a full hand or have passed. I know it requires going first, as well having both cards in hand round 1, and Stregobor not being destroyed. But stratagems make it difficult to remove (and lock if it’s Crystal Skull), and it essentially acts as a Ciri: Dash but with only 1 turn to answer it. I don’t think that interaction should be possible.

Stregobor’s effect should only work if the opponent’s hand isn’t full.
Both Matta and Stregobor are 9 provision cards. While Matta has occasional, niche use, Stregobor is almost complete junk. You are talking about a combination that is relevant only about one game in eight. And even when it can be pulled off, it’s not worth that much. One extra, one point card in exchange for playing two, low tempo, junk cards is not that great. Of all the issues in Gwent, this one is laughably minor.

While I would agree that Stregobor is high RNG and should probably be changed for that reason, he is also so underpowered that even favorable RNG will rarely give him good value.
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