Pocket Roche for your Desktop XD

Pocket Roche for your Desktop XD

Can't believe I would finish this but it's done, POCKET ROCHE ATTACK!

Download here
Aaaaaw, you're back and what's more, you bring cute awesomeness!! Thank you so much, I'm totally installing this. :D

I demand an Iorveth version for the sake of equality
hehe xD Thankyuuuu sure I'll be trying to make him too.

They are taking over my screennnn noess DX
yayy thanks guys xD I forgot to let you know that if his number get out of hand, just right click on him and choose that option and he'll go baibai
Here's my Roche'd up desktop, your cute little Rocheys go well with my background, y/y? :D

(funny, but true: the last time I had something similar, roaches were crawling on my screen, but now it's Roche. Quite an improvement. :p)
OMG Klara, that's my favourite Roche screenshot!

Yukami, by Melitele, that is the most adorable thing I have ever seen! Added him to my ever-growing Shimeji collection ^__^

EDIT: Oh dear, he's multiplying... HELP!!
OMG...but but... they're cloning themselves?!?!? They're doing mitosis on my desktop!

bwa hahha! Have you noticed that when you throw them from one side to another, and they grab to the sidescreen like spiders? :D
secondchildren said:
OMG...but but... they're cloning themselves?!?!? They're doing mitosis on my desktop!

bwa hahha! Have you noticed that when you throw them from one side to another, and they grab to the sidescreen like spiders? :D
Have you noticed that if you grab them and throw them up with a fast mouse movement they fly out of the monitor and you have to wait a while before they come back down? :D

You've created something awesome yuikami.
Well, I 'll just say that you should be nominated Honorary Forum member just for this, Yuiki...

This just overflows the monitor with awesomeness...
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