1. Camera zoom options. Honestly just this would be enough.
2. Return of slow walk when outside
3. Meditation animation / campfire. Would be awesome to have it pass quickly by in real time.
@charlesadamst there is an option to walk slow outside, with both controller and keyboard

Here we go again. Part of this issue has always been about properly communicating it. When you walk inside there are multiple walk speeds, based on how far you press your control stick. Prior to the 1.07 patch it was the same outside. After the patch there is only 1 walk speed outside. It's not analog anymore. CDPR said this was a design choice because people found Geralt unresponsive. I and many others would like to see it changed back to the way it was for the original control scheme. People who like it can stick with the alternate movement option.
Originally Posted by charlesadamst
Meditation animation / campfire. Would be awesome to have it pass quickly by in real time.
you mean like in the opening screen when you see him meditating in front of the campfire with time sped up?
that would be badass!!

Like it works in Skyrim...Yes, could be pretty to see
i wish they would make the swimming controls a bit tighter. i keep swimming in a three friggin meter wide circle just to turn around 180 degrees. it makes getting all those smuggler caches VERY annoying.
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