Potential Player: Just hoping for AI improvements

Detonate grenade would be a guaranteed small nuclear explosion if I look at my enventory sometimes. Not so long ago I carried around 300 grenades of various types.
With all types, could be a beautiful colored fireworks. It is Ozob who would be delighted :D
Cyberpsychosis could very funny (or not), during 30 secondes you loose all control of your body, and you shoot/hack/punch every Civilians around (or even Cops).
With all types, could be a beautiful colored fireworks. It is Ozob who would be delighted :D
Cyberpsychosis could very funny (or not), during 30 secondes you loose all control of your body, and you shoot/hack/punch every Civilians around (or even Cops).
Imagine yeah :p
Both would be hilarious to see happen... once :LOL:
With all types, could be a beautiful colored fireworks. It is Ozob who would be delighted :D
Cyberpsychosis could very funny (or not), during 30 secondes you loose all control of your body, and you shoot/hack/punch every Civilians around (or even Cops).

My game bugged sometimes and my weapons started firing alone and non-stop... I killed several civilians and people. Not good... :shrug:


Forum regular
For me Combat AI is quite good. Enemies take cover, heal themselves, move, throw grenades...

Yes, enemies do quite a lot of different things. It's even as if they were designed to show off. Problem with this is two-fold:

1. You don't really see much of that beyond lvl 20. The brokenness of rpg mechanics kicks in and you start one-shotting or two-shotting everything. They don't have a chance to use all those "tricks." Even if those "tricks" made sense.

2. Those "tricks" don't make sense. They do them seemingly at random. Outside direct bumrush, if the algorithm tells them to move, there is no reason for it. They just run around without making any sense. You shoot one guy through the wall with Nekomata or Burya, and the other one who was just about to kill you runs for cover, and hunkers down where he can meet exactly the same fate. And gives you like 5 seconds to aim before he even starts shooting. Or they have 10 to 1 advantage plus they are already flanking you because you overlooked a guy or two - and they run for cover for no reason leaving the advantageous position. Or there are robots who bumrush by default, but human enemies do not try coop to flank you or overpower you, just stay where they are and hunker even though nothing is shooting at them. Funny stuff is when you miss a grenade toss, throw it somewhere else, but they elect to go there for no reason, vault cover with a fancy frontflip, and die (no reaction to grenades whatsoever). Ofc, it sometimes happens that they do what they are supposed to, and manage to get you with a seemingly clever maneuver. But those are 100% flukes.

Point is, there is a lot of stuff. It's just that none of that works or makes any sense. Like did you know there is a pretty cool instance of localized damage to the legs resulting in an awesome stumbling animation? I didn't. Until I farmed Skipper on a naked playthrough (without character bonuses gotta shoot those legs forever). Shooting legs to slow enemies down makes zero sense when you can just one-shot everything. Design of different elements is great, but the whole gameplay seems like it was put together last minute and never tested because the bosses wanted to release the game 2 years before it was ready.

So Doom Eternal where AI is quite simple for most enemies - all they do is they trade aggro tokens and aggro/bumrush with all they got - works infinitely better for gameplay.
I'm hoping for an AI revamp myself. As far as I can tell and with a recent delve into the world of game AI's, it seems quite reasonable to assume CP2077 is using a Finite State Machine for all AI in the game. This works pretty well in combat and closed settings, but for big, sprawling cityscapes it falls flat.
This is quite evident when you see how NPCs react when you shoot out in the street. Everyone hunker down with their arms above their head.
For CP2077, implementing Behavioral Decision Trees would be a huge step up, but also a huge undertaking. BDT would allow for generating actual "work" for NPC's so that every NPC in-game did actually have a weekly routine as they stated during some of their presentations, and it would also allow for deeper, more complex combat AI etc.
Switching to- or adding BDC would at best take a year of development and scripting, but in the end the RED Engine would benefit greatly from it.


Forum regular
I'm hoping for an AI revamp myself. As far as I can tell and with a recent delve into the world of game AI's, it seems quite reasonable to assume CP2077 is using a Finite State Machine for all AI in the game.

Do they? Afaik somebody dug up some code to indicate that back in December but nothing solid was presented. I guess you can make sure since source code was stolen.

Anyway, FSM isn't necessarily bad. Doom uses FSM, and it makes for maybe the best gameplay in shooters (though, this is achieved also by level design and weapon/enemy design and balance - things that CP failed at big time, also, Doom is not open world, and Doom is all about surviving enemy bumrush and not play with counter-tactics). Problem is FSM requires an enormous amount of work and is not easily tweakable. Which is why I tell people who like to test each patch by blocking traffic - don't bother. This will not go away. Afaik, they would have to scrap everything and start anew with behavioral trees. A "revamp" won't cut it.
Even If I also hope for a better IA (being able to jump and parkour a bit is enough to me), I already find it pretty good and even surprised me sometimes. I can say that the only thing that stop enemies are destroyed cars on their path,gaps and you being on top of a structure.
I've seen only once a Max-Tac being running towards a wall between me and him, and believe me, I'm fighting the police non-stop all the time (because Max-Tacs are badass and I love fighting them). I have at least like 275 hours (I've no life) and I did not started a new game.
I've probably killed like at least like 600 Max-Tacs.
I even got once by accident at the bottom of a megabuilding (like the one where V live in). It's not supposed to be explorable down there. And so I attacked PNJs around to see if I can trigger the police.
Not only they spawn but they actually know where are the walls to hide and the ramps/stairs to get to me. That means there's no "linear path" (for example, in missions where enemies can even climb platforms or, in an other game, Doom in fighting zones) for IAs enemies, they actually know how to move in their surroundings down there. I thought they could at best spawn but don't move from their spawn. It also confirms that police officiers spawn areas are (or, at least, can be) random.
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this is hilarious, what's usually called "AI" is divided in two parts in this game:

fighting behaviours, those won't change before the next expansion aka if anyone actually makes a gameplay for this game (doubtful they've already missed so many easy opportunities), for now you'll just have to be content with a bunch of mooks staring at you instead of firing.

civilians behaviours, those have to be ENTIRELY rewritten from the ground up, and here's the kicker even after expansions they probably won't be because of the number of intersecting systems they require: lots of people running instead of crouching without crashing the game, reaction to rain or wind that's not in the game yet, reaction to road events like .... doing anything instead of just stopping in the middle of the road, reaction to the player and so on.

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I wish pedestrians would have a brain. There is a gig where you get a car in reward, it is parked in a way that you have to drive it through the sidewalk. No NPCs avoid me driving slowly towards them and when I get close, they yell mean stuff.
I'm also waiting for an improvement of the AI, that the NPCs feel alive as in RDR2, because not only is the combat important, also the atmosphere, when you walk through the streets you feel that they are not some maniacs without life doing animations and saying repetitive things without logic, I understand that giving life to an NPC is something complicated, but if Rockstar has managed to do it, why they would not know how to do it in CDPR? the day this happens, I'll buy the game.
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