Projectile launch system needs some love

Projectile launch system seems cool, but it's got a lot of issues:

- Does anyone else blow themselves off too oftenly because the projectile launch system hits the cover right in front of you? V doesn't lean in enough for shooting it safely too many times, so I gave up on using it from cover.

- There's very few visual and sound cues to understand how it works. How much can you charge it? What's it targeting? What's the cooldown between uses? Smart weapons' links are supposedly required to use it, but how can we know it's locked? Does the projectiles bend as smart weapons' projectiles do?

- Doesn't look like it benefits from perks in engineering/crafting. Can't confirm, though, but visible explosion range definitely doesn't apply. Why not extend grenades perks to it?

- Tranquilizer rounds are broken

CDPR should fix it eventually
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it got really uninteresting for me quickly didn't even tried all the ammo options etc - since its op-bugged anyways and can kill every (human) enemy one shot : /

was hyped for it cause I love mega man/ rocket man game series but the one shot bug kills the fun for me - atm its just boring to have s weapon that early in the game which one shots everything...
it got really uninteresting for me quickly didn't even tried all the ammo options etc - since its op-bugged anyways and can kill every (human) enemy one shot : /

was hyped for it cause I love mega man/ rocket man game series but the one shot bug kills the fun for me - atm its just boring to have s weapon that early in the game which one shots everything...
It only took me a few seconds of seeing it in action on YouTube to think that it was so OP that I've refused to actually use it myself.
Tranquilizer stopped my quest progression.
Searched for a bit, seems nobody got this bug except me?
i think that the main issue with all the weapons that you can have in your arms (mantis, gorilla and missile launcher) is that they don't scale properly.

There are mods that fix the scaling though if you check on nexus mod
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