PS4 pre and post 1.07 complete bug list. Post all your bugs/problems here no matter when they occurred. Also post solutions if you have them. PS4 ONLY

Well, we already have 1.8, but there are still problems with "free" dlc - no pig in "fools gold" and werewolf in "most wanted".

Is anybody from cd red reading this thread?

Yes, I see red point in top message from one member from cd red.
Hope they'll do something with all these bugs in 1.9 without graphic downgrade on ps4!
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I made a post about this but better say here too.
The only thing i noticed after 1.08 it's the shadow flickering. It's more on the shadows of fences and when Geralt are mounted on Roach. The shadows flickers like crazy on the fences and some bushes.
After 1.08, Midas is no longer waiting by the bridge where he's supposed to be, he's gone off straight to the shore.

Not particularly a showstopper once you know where to find him, but confusing to new players.
I'm stuck on Ciri's Story: King of Wolves, there is no Fool's Parsley that can be picked, I can see the plants but they appear as though already picked. Wolf's liver, dog tallow, and wolfsbane are all collectible. I've restarted the quest multiple times, and reloaded at least 5 times but there's no way for me to complete the oil.
I'm stuck on Ciri's Story: King of Wolves, there is no Fool's Parsley that can be picked, I can see the plants but they appear as though already picked. Wolf's liver, dog tallow, and wolfsbane are all collectible. I've restarted the quest multiple times, and reloaded at least 5 times but there's no way for me to complete the oil.
I've had the same bug and reported it 3 months ago. After 2 months waiting for the last patch to solve the problem, as nothing changed, I've decided to accept the red failed objective and I went on the game ...
I have now at least answers from a CDPR employee that worked on my reported bugs ..and what should I say.. parts of it are disappointing, parts of it are at least a clear answer finally to some from us as bugs seen quests, that they work this way as "intended"

Heres the conclusion of my reported "Bugs" and what i received as answer about these things:

Lord of Undvik Invisible/Non moving Folan Bug and Quest Objective Bug that results from this, by n ot rescuing Folan first, before you find Hjalmar:
The behaviour of Folan is intended this by "by design" and that the objective fails is also intended this way "by design"
in this case, everyone whos in the situation like me and found Hjalmar first before rescuing Folan - we are screwed and literally have either to completely start the ganme over new and do this quest the next time in the right order, or hope for it, that CDPR maybe will add some kind of new feature that lets make it possible to reset incomplete quests, like I suggested them to give the Eye of Nehaleni the Feature to reset incompleted Quests to their original beginning state liek some kind of time magic to brign the state of the quest back to the mo,ment, where we haven#t started it yet as this would be practicalyl the only pssible solution that you help us out not to have to start the game practicalyl completely from new...

Means, everyone who finds Hjalmar in the Quest Lord of undvik first ,before he rescues folan screws hisself and the quest and the result of it is intended this by by the design of the Devs, that Folan doesn't follow you then anymore, follows you innvisibly around just to appar then out of surprise at the battle agaisnt the Ice giant to help you ...

Contract: Oxenfurt Drunk Automatic Fail Objective when the Katakan Flees:
Ths fail Objective also automatically fails "by design", so there is practically no chance at all ,that this will ever get changed, because the Devs practically want it so, that at this moment the objective fails, which is from all quests of the whole game in my opinion the only Fail Objective, which I am able to accept this way, because the Katakan flees from us ...

Contract: In the Hearts of the Woods Automatical Fail Objective over the optional decision to either kill or don't kill the Ancient Leshen:
Like above, this Fail Objective should be also by the quest design of the developers be "by design" intended to fail, means, there is no way that this will ever get changed as the Devs literally wants us to fail here one objective... this means by no other words.. there is *NO WAY FOR COMPLETIONISTS TO MAKE A PERFECT PLAYTHROUGH WITH NO FAIL OBJECTIVES* ,because you will regardless of what you do always have in your quest log at least these two quests which will always have somethign failed, regardless of whatever you do...unless you decide for yourself to totally neglect these two contracts and never get them at all started so that they never appear at all in your quest log, which would be the only way to prevent, that any fail objective uglyfies your otherwise perfect green Quest Log.

So as completionists we have either to accept of having a perfect incomplete all green quest log in which 2 quests are missing and not be shown...
Or we have a nearly perfect all green quest log with 2 Fail Objectives in and accept this state as "perfect".

great news huh????
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