PvP = longer life

This game is very good but when you finish the story, it´s done. If you repeat sooner or later you will be bored and just stop playing TW3. I finished this game 3 years ago and although it's the best game i have ever played, I see no reason to play it again. I know all the story.

I finished DS3 2 years ago, and I still play it, because it has a pvp mode. A very basic and simple one, it´s just a duel system. But it is a great game, and it's pvp mode is the way to extend it's life, making it live much longer than TW3.
I know for sure that, if TW3 had pvp, even something primary like DS, I would have never stopped playing it.

I think that if we had a TW4 in the future, it must include some kind of pvp mode.
If you build such a complex world with different swords, different spells, alchemy, etc, but you dont spice it up with some pvp interactions, it feels like a huge waste.
I think the problem is that Dark Souls' depth comes from its complex combat mechanics. The Witcher 3, on the other hand, is unique because of its attention to storytelling, and frankly, the combat doesn't take center-stage the same way. That's not to say it isn't depthful, I just think the developers likely don't consider it their franchise's core feature.
Also, the game already has plenty of content. You can easily spent 100 hours and a lot more. I don‘t think you need to keep people playing, not when it comes to storydriven games like TW3.
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