Quest: The Prophet's Song (buggy) (PC)

All of this is quite minor, nothing game breaking and quite situational. But still had to do a few reloads to actually get the quest done.

There were multiple things that happened in this quest that kind of need fixing.

Once the car chase begins, if you ram the van with your car with enough force, the driver (female) will just hop out of the car and run away 100mp/h or stand there and shoot you while you drive away to keep chase on the van & the chip.

Once you are able to stop the car and the male character with the chip comes out, the car is SUPPOSED to drive away on it's own, even without the driver present.
But if you were able to halt it's path the car wont try to drive away at all.

Which means you can get inside the car and the car will automatically resume it's original path with you unable to steer the car at all.

Proposed fix:

- Make the driver unable to get out of the car.
- If you DO take the car, remove the pathing it has set to it due to the Quest and make it behave like a normal car.
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