Quick question about Panam

Why was Panam banned (or whatever) from the Aldecaldos in the first place actually, or did she go away by herself because she didn't like Saul's ledership? This is something I don't get and I've been playing through her quests in the last week.
I don't think it was explicitly spelled out, but my recollection is that Saul had been pushing to 'sell out' the Aldecados to being subservient to corporations, doing corporate jobs, etc. A little security with a loss of freedom. Like later in her story/questline you see hints of this. Saul was going to be pissed about them stealing the Basilisk and support vehicles because Corpo reps were going to see them, etc.
I don't think it was explicitly spelled out, but my recollection is that Saul had been pushing to 'sell out' the Aldecados to being subservient to corporations, doing corporate jobs, etc. A little security with a loss of freedom. Like later in her story/questline you see hints of this. Saul was going to be pissed about them stealing the Basilisk and support vehicles because Corpo reps were going to see them, etc.
I don't really remember when, but Panam said that she left instead of fight Saul.
(and according to Panam, it's mostly because Saul make "wrong choices" since a good while and not only because of Biotechnica)
And also Cassidy said it during "A little help from my friends".
"She left, she learned and she came back".

And also Rogue said it (if you play Nomad) during Ghost Town, if V said
V : "I can't work with her, Nomads do not banish for no reason, she's probably not reliable".
Rogue : "She wasn't banned, she left the Aldecaldos. Stories of families, of principles, blah blah, I quickly dropped out..."
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But the real and deep reason why Panam leave the Aldecaldos and have a grief with Saul :
"The reason we came in California was because he promised change for the Aldecaldos. He claimed we would turn over a new leaf. But you saw it. We got a handful of tents on a heap of sand. A hell of promised land."
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Why was Panam banned (or whatever) from the Aldecaldos in the first place actually, or did she go away by herself because she didn't like Saul's ledership? This is something I don't get and I've been playing through her quests in the last week.

Saul is trying to cut a deal with Biotechnica and Panam interprets that as him selling them out. Realizing it's unlikely Saul will change his mind she decides to leave. When you get the chance head to her old tent and check her computer. You'll find a conversation regarding this topic with Mitch.

(sidenote - we covered this topic in the Panam thread as well at some point if you want more reading)
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