Races and Fights Should Always be Available.

After you've beaten the game, done every gig, every NCPD scanner, you start to realize, there's literally no replay value to any of it, I think that all races should be available whenever you'd like, not as story missions, but just as things you can do, same with fights. There should also be respawning NCPD scanner missions, not ones that you have to complete to beat the game, but just ones so that everything doesn't go stale, Everyone's favorite thing to do is mindlessly killing a large group of enemies, and you lose that when you beat the game. IN GENERAL!, missions should be replayable

There should also be other fun things you can do to keep yourself from being bored as we all await the upcoming expansion DLC, something like laser tag would be cool! or always make meditation an option. Getting a job like I'd enjoy being a part of the trauma team, and just mindlessly cleaning up messes and taking in bodies, things that just keep the game going, and keep V's role as a merc continuous, and automated as a mechanic that either happens during the game, or afterward, either way, I'd like to keep playing, but rn, there's no point, I just drive around doing nothing, everything maxed out, but there's no one left to fight
100% agree. There needs to be more replayable content. Races would be the main one, even if it's for trivial loot; just having the option to race in the game would be the appeal. If they continued to play off that idea and implement some rando events and encounters in a natural organic feeling way, it would greatly improve the immersion of the game.
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