Random gameplay questions from a new player post 2.2

Greetings everyone. I'm a brand new player as of this month December 2024 with version 2.2 on PS5.
I love the game but several minor questions came up. In the grand scheme of things these probably don't matter (would probably be fine without Min/Maxing everything. But Min/Max is fun for me).


Weapon Mods that reduce Bullet Spread from hipfire >> Irrelevant for Smart Weapons? What about reducing recoil and stamina from shooting? Also irrelevant for Smartguns?

As I am Min/Maxing my Cyberware Parts and Stat Modifier stats, and honing in on which stats to seek out in Re-Rolls, how do some of these Overlap (I'm thinking in terms of Venn diagrams lol)?
If something says 'Reduces All Dealt Damage' its exactly how it sounds yes? Reduces damage from burn, electrical, bullets, swords.

Is 'Reduces Incoming Damage' the same as 'Increased Mitigation/increased % chance of mitigation'? Or Mitigation only talks about enemies shooting bullets at me, whereas 'Incoming Damage' means Any damage type, including grenades, burning? (e.g. Tech Perk Chrome Constitution talks about Incoming Damage)

Ok then how about the Stat Modifiers? For example I am doing Netrunner with massive focus on Smart Weapons. Basically Smartguns and Quickhack attacks.
So the Modifiers I want to chase are 'Headshot damage Multiplier', quickhack damage, Health Regen (or RAM Regen? see Overclock question below..), electrical damage, damage over time.

I say damage over time and electrical damage because Cyberware Malfunction and Short Circuit cause EMP electrical damage, over time.

Ok so a possible Godroll Stat Modifier (for quickhacking) would be + Electrical Damage, + Quickhack damage, + Damage over Time? Because all 3 of those make Short Circuit/Cyberware malfunction stronger right? Electrical damage IS Quickhack damage (for short circuit/Cyb Malfunction)...
And a Godroll for Smart Weapons might be +Headshot Multiplier, +Health Regen, +Quickhack Attacks?

Is it possible to see a particular gun's %s of recoil reduction, bullet spread, Crit chance? I ask this because its my understanding that weapon mods can stack but I don't want to waste a mod if, say, my chrome and perks already have my chance of Crit hits at near 100%

Health vs RAM:
Which should I be going for?

Heal on Kill
cyberware increases health 5% per kill. During Overclock that means it increases RAM right? Because in Overlock Health IS RAM?
So I should choose Health Regen (like 1.2%) and Health Increases (like +8) over Ram Regen always?

Perk in Intelligence - 'During Overclock all RAM Regen effects also increase Health'. Ok but Health IS RAM. So which Perks and effects should I go for? Health Regen or RAM Regen? Or it doesn't matter they are interchangeable and equal during Overclock? Or should I go All IN on Health Regen (and to lesser extend total Health?)?

Do items that increase Health Regeneration not function whatsoever unless I have the Body perk Painkiller? If I don't activate Painkiller perk then all of those modifiers etc are being wasted?

Queue Mastery level 20 perk in Intelligence
: It says it 'locks the queue until all quickhacks have uploaded; +15% damage against enemies with a locked queue'. Is this only talking about 1 single enemy? Where none of the QHs begin until I let go on that enemy? Or is it talking about using hacks against multiple foes during 1 scan and going from foe to foe? So if I set hacks on 3 guys, the hacks on the 1st foe don't start doing anything until I've released my Scan after setting the last QH against foe #3?
The verbiage talking about 'enemies with a locked queue' implies its not just 1 foe. Because if it was just the 1, then it would lock every single time...

I see that this website from CDPR includes a way to share Attribute and Perk setups, interactively where someone can go in and click around. Does the same also apply to Cyber Parts somewhere? Or that relies only on sharing screenshots?

Is exploration rewarded beyond just seeing new scenery? If I explore a new area can I discover hidden loot and secrets even though that part of the story and missions have not come up yet? Or loot etc will be missing until I get to that part of the game progress? I thought I saw a huge crashed spaceship (unrelated to Space Oddity/Bums side-quest) which I'm guessing is the scene of a future mission, but its difficult to reach. Don't want to waste time going there if nothing can be found.

Using quickhack attacks from a distance, out of combat, does not count as Stealth Damage I assume?

I assume there are No Iconic weapon mods, scopes, muzzle brakes? So I don't need to worry about mass dismantling that stuff?

* Note that my flurry of recent activity as a new member of the forum will no continue. The pace of my questions/posts will taper off please don't worry. Just excited for the game so dumping all my cached questions :)

EDIT2: 2 more questions:
Tetratronic Rippler Deck automatically hits enemies with Reboot Optics and Weapon glitch when I Activate Overlock within 8 meters of the enemy. So that's free right? No RAM cost?

Is it a smart idea to keep very cheap ram, low tier control quickhacks to simply use a cheap option at end of a QH Queue, to perk that 40% extra damage from Tetratronic Rippler (follow a combat QH with a Control QH)?

Thanks again. I promise not to post any more gameplay questions for a week. ^^
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#1 Yes kinda useless for smart weapons sinc eyou dont really have to aim in that way
#4 i went health regen both from Body and i got some on my CW, i find it works fine and helps keep Ram comming in during overclock. You need alot of Ram too tho. i generaly dont use short circut so dont know about those stat, i try to get headshot dmg, quickhack dmg and a good 3 stat (Ram regen/health regen for example) Its not really optimised but i very rarely die on very hard (second heart is great too btw)
#5 think you can see some of them in stats with a wepon drawn. getting high crit is pretty easy with PL iconic CW, both for quickhack and wepons.
#6 if you plan to be in overclock allways then you could go that route, i try to get a balance since i do alot of fighting without overclock too.
#7 see #6.
#8 Hmm havent tested this, but it says "slow regen in combat" so i think you might not regen ram from hp regen at all without it. Need to test this i guess since i allways go heavy into body when i go netrunner.
#10 https://nukesdragons.com/cyberpunk-2077/character?v=2&p=&i=&a=33333&s=&n= used to have Cw in there planner too but have removed it it seems.
#11 depends, you will not find stuff above your level range and most of what i find is just trashed for crafting mats. You will get better iconic quickhacks by hacking terminals at higher level but when you have all its kinda just clutter :D Iconic weapons are static drops so if you know here they are you will find em.
#12 no it does not and will just alert his buddies. Yo ucan sometimes wipe a whole crew by going stealth and queing up a few and using a silenced weapon untill they spot/track you tho.
#13 no orange is the best you can get except for 1 crafteble iconic mod (its not that great for smart weapons either imho).

Ask as much as you want, generaly pretty nice community here, can take some time before you get an aswer tho :D
#1 Yes kinda useless
No problem at all bless you. Thank you.
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I'd be glad to help, but since it's mostly about INT/netrunning, I can't. I never played as netrunner since 2.0 release :(
All good. I sure we will chat in some future threads. really lovin' the game and looking forward to discussing topics in this forum.
#2 It's supposed to reduce all damages (but we never know for sure, maybe there is still bugs, or bad descriptions). but honestly, you don 't really care about this with Netrunner. It's hard in early game (in very hard difficulty at least, you should focus on killing ennemies with environment to not trigger detection too early), but you become OP and basically kills every ennemies except bosses just by looking at them around level 25 (in very hard, maybe earlier in lower difficulties).

#3 mitigation / mitigation chances reduces damages (and might increase the time needed for ennemies to detect you if you have the perk). It's like critical hit and critical chances but for incomming damage.

#9 it's on 1 ennemy, that means if you have 4 quickhacks in queue on one ennemy, you need to wait until the queue is empty before you can upload quickhack on him again. but you can hack other ennemies.

#14 I didn't know that cyberdeck, but yes, it should not use any ram.

#15 yes and no. you have to create some combo, and the quality of quickhacks might add very useful effect sometimes (like reducing/reseting the trace). Around level 25, you'll be able to create very OP combos, and with overclock + healing items and perks that refill your ram when killing ennemies, you will have unlimited ram and kill everything in 1 queue.

for very powerful quickhack that ask you like 30 or even more ram units. You have to use the Queue and combo system to reduce the cost of those quickhacks, so yes, small quickhack might be useful in early game if you don't have very interesting quickhacks, but you need to use them at the beginning of the Queue to decrease the ram cost of powerful hacks.
#3 mitigation It's like critical hit and critical chances but for incomming damage.

Ok that helps me understand! Like crit but fo defence.

#14 I didn't know that cyberdeck, but yes, it should not use any ram.

#15 yes and no. you have to create some combo, and the quality of quickhacks might add very useful effect sometimes (like reducing/reseting the trace). Around level 25, you'll be able to create very OP combos, and with overclock + healing items and perks that refill your ram when killing ennemies, you will have unlimited ram and kill everything in 1 queue.
Yeah I'm level 40 and street cred 50. Even without overclock and using cheap QH like cyberware malfunction + short circuit, it kills almost everything. And my smart weapons are just crushing all enemies super easy. I have been grinding NCPD and Gigs to farm Money so my experience is really high.
I have been postponing/procrastinating the Big Yellow story missions. Already all my weapons are T5, and soon all cyberware will be T5 too.
I still have not spoken to Takemura lol.
for very powerful quickhack that ask you like 30 or even more ram units. You have to use the Queue and combo system to reduce the cost of those quickhacks, so yes, small quickhack might be useful in early game if you don't have very interesting quickhacks, but you need to use them at the beginning of the Queue to decrease the ram cost of powerful hacks.
I have all the Ultimate quickhacks now, T5, but rarely use them. I guess I should practice for when I have a boss fight.

thank you!
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