Ranked Play season end moved to January 10th

Eetheart;n10196672 said:
Dear CDPR, you guys are awesome. Thanks for this amazing game and this amazing patch that has brought a ton of interesting card combos and decks.

Please for the life of this game, do not take insults and whining personally from us players. We are not the game developers; we can only bring you feedback, but we suck even at that when we refuse to look at the bigger picture and only see it from our favorite deck's point of view. Indeed, we're very biased.

That doesn't mean we don't have anything good or productive to say. Sometimes we do. But YOU guys are the game developers. And you have proven in the past how amazing and artistic and passionate game developers you guys are. One only needs to read the history behind CDPR to agree with that.

So please, take our comments with a grain of salt. With a ton of salt, actually. Because we players do say stupid things all the time. We cry and whine when things don't go our way. And worst of all, we get SO attached to the old way of thinking in a game (or in any aspect, really) that we hate change. We cry something needs to be done about XYZ and then we whine our asses off when something is done about it. "Please change it, just not in that way."

As you can tell by that kind of tone and behavior, we are clearly not game developers, we clearly have not experienced the pressure, the patience, the strain, the fun, the misery, the extremely hard and dedicated work with being a game developer that is passionate about making good games.

You know what we gamers are good at? Fits of rage. In fact, that is not exclusive to us gamers. It's not even exclusive to the internet. It's an ancient old, uncivilized behavior often known as 'mob mentality' that comes upon us. We as humans love to hate. I mean, the Witcher books, the ones that inspired CDPR's most popular games, do a perfect job of showcasing what I'm saying here.
So keep that in mind when you read our nasty, sometimes passionate, sometimes inappropriate comments. We don't really mean all the mean things we say to you. We're just not quite there yet. We haven't learned to look at the bigger picture. Most of us have 9-5 jobs - or we're young and go to school - and we've never achieved anything beyond the norm of being consumers. It's not easy to understand how a developer thinks and acts, when we have never been one. It's not easy to put ourselves in your shoes when all we do is take, take, take, consume, consume, and consume.

Most of us will still love you after we've whined our butts off. Many of us sit in the shadows while the loud-mouths do all the talking/typing. Some of us even shake our heads and we try to defend our beloved game developer company, but it's not easy to go against the angry crowd. Many times it's considered unwise and dangerous. So we prefer to keep quiet.

CDPR, you guys rock. Thanks for doing this <3

Sorry, but i don't find this constructive at all. As someone else already said, if CDPR simply disregarded the community feedback altogether, they would keep going blind in their decision making.
I'm sure the guys at CDPR are more than capable enough to separate the whining and hatefull feedback from the constructive and usefull one.

Also, please, don't speak for everyone as if you were the voice of the people, there are many out there with brilliant ideas. Indeed, you don't actually need to be a game developer to come out with a great idea, the game developer job is to make an idea work afterall, so they can and "should" check all the suggestions and criticism they dim useful while staying true to the nature of Gwent.
Because if you give up to the casual whining you're gonna wash out your original idea of the game (losing everything that made it special), on the other hand, if you ignore even the most constructive of the criticism, you will probably make bad decisions for your fan base (losing their favor).

Its up to CDPR to find the fine balance between what to consider and what to not consider, but nevertheless, they should be open to every feedback they can get, no matter how much hate and whine they may find before stumbling upon the good constructive criticism.
It's after 12:00 CET as promised.

So no smash smash? When do I get to smash smash?

Do I have to wait a day before smash smash?
Dear Project Red team!

Most unfortunately, by the turn of season end, my ranking has been removed to 1 for lvl 8, but strangly I did not received the suggested "reward" of kegs, scraps, etc... what can I do about it? or where should I ask more accordingly? sorry to be off-topic

best regards
Yeah , my rank also went from 17 to 0 , and maybe i was not reading correctly but it was supposed to go down by 1/2 .
Also no rewards for season that just ended at the moment .
Shteck;n10198942 said:
Yeah , my rank also went from 17 to 0 , and maybe i was not reading correctly but it was supposed to go down by 1/2 .
Also no rewards for season that just ended at the moment .

read the recent announcement (also in the news section of the forum). Rewards tomorrow
Besides the top 1000 complaints that arguably have some strong points, for every other comment i have seen being negative about the game in general, which most are dense and retarded, if you are pissed about balance, matchmaking etc don't play hearhstone. Stop whining the game is progressing fine , if you expected everything to go down just smoothly then you need to get a stronger grip on reality.
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