Real Gwent Cards - Help Please!


My brother in-law introduced me to the Witcher 3 - like it. Really like the Gwent game. We decided I would acquire some 'real life cards' so we can play one evening.

So... I bought some official decks from ebay. Northern Realm and Nilfgaard, 2 boxes, each with 60 cards. This is a good start but I now have alot of questions and I don't know where to get answers so I thought I would reach out for help / guidance on here. It all really boils down to how / where to get more individual cards as I am trying to replicate my deck I use within the Witcher 3, in real cards.

1. Blue Stripes Commando. The Northern Realm deck came with 1 card, but its ability is to double up when you place 2 of the same card.
i) Why does it only come with 1?
ii) Was it supposed to come with just 1 (Note that on both decks, they both had 60 cards, all matching types, both only have 1 of each 'shared ability' multiplier type cards, so I am to believe that these are 2 completed 'starter decks'.
iii) How am I supposed to get another 1 or 2 (plus the same concept for the other multiplier special ability cards).
iv) If I can't get more cards to make use of the multiplier abilty, what is the point of selling them with only 1 card?

2. Heros. My understanding of the game within 'the witcher 3' is that the heros are all 'neutral' and can be played in different decks. However, take the Northern Realm deck (real cards) for example, it came with 4 heros (e.g. Vernon Roche), but these are all 'branded' e.g. on the back of the Vernon card is has the symbol for Northern Realm, and on the front of the card is the blue stripe. So... Questions become:
i) How are you supposed to acquire the other hero's to add to your deck?
ii) Why are they branded?
iii) Are you supposed to track down the specific hero with the specific brand?
iv) if not, how are you supposed to play the hero in other decks e.g. My Northern Realm Vernon Roche card in the Nilfgaard deck?
v) Where do I get cards like Ceri / Yeniffer and which 'deck' are they from OR are they actually neutral?
vi) Do neutral versions of the hero's exist and if so, again, how are you supposed to play with them in real life as you, and opponent will know the next card up is neutral therefore a hero coming etc...

Lots of questions!

Thanks in advance for shedding some light on this new chapter where I am obviously very late to the party!
This has nothing to do with standalone GWENT, so moved to a more appropriate forum.

1. The deck should have come with 3 Blue Stripes Commando cards. Mine certainly did, but I got via official ways (as a pre-order bonus for Blood & Wine).
My full NR deck has 69 cards plus the five Foltests. (Edit: Looks like a spy or weather has been misplace during a match.)
Nilfgaard is presumably the same (I'll count the cards after I post this to make sure). (Edit: 70, so looks like a NR spy or weather has been misplaced during a match.)

Sounds like whoever sold those on Ebay wasn't entirely honest. :confused:

2. Some Heroes are neutral, but all factions have their own Heroes as well. For example, Roche is a NR Hero, but Geralt is a neutral one.
However, both NR and NG decks have all of the neutral Heroes included, with the faction specific cardback.
Yennefer and Ciri should be included in both decks, just like Geralt.
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Right ok.

How can I get confirmation of exactly what is supposed to be included in these packs?

Then I can cross compare and work out if/what is missing.
Here's a video showing the unboxing of a Blood & Wine preorder. It's in Polish, but the card arts are the same:

I tried to find a good old list, but didn't get results. Then again, the cards are the exact same ones as what you'll have if you complete your collection in base game Witcher 3, with a few "extras" (like the Toad and the Cow).
Found this on you tube.

This is exactly what I have. E.g. the guy opening the packs got no matching cards or neutral hero’s.
Oookay, so Collector's Edition has different versions of the decks. o_O
That explains a lot.

He did get three Blue Stripes Commandos, though; they just have different arts. Many cards, like those BSCs, in the Witcher 3 minigame do have existing alternate arts, but they just aren't used in the game.
This is a good point. I didn’t spot it at first but I also have 3 blue stripe commandos as well. As you said, it’s just different art work.

Ok so the question remains about how to add to deck and also what happens with how to play hero’s if they are neutral or different brands?
You shouldn‘t play with cards from different factions. Just play with cards from the same card pack and you are safe.
If you never want to play against anyone else, you can do whatever you want. But technically if you decide to play a certain faction you have to stick to the cards that come with it.
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