Remove all Tutor leaders. There, I said it. There are quite a few (7) of them:
And, except for Henselt, they suffer from the same issue. Not only does it limit design space, it also allows unpleasant combos for the same reason Summoning Circle was nerfed. Furthermore, it also makes the game more boring having the same kind of leaders, which aren't tied to an archetype. I am not saying all leaders need to have a single supporting archetype, but I do want some more variety.
I am not going to make suggestions for all leaders, individually, but I'll give one for Francesca, who is the worst (read: best) of them all, thanks to the strong Tutor Specials.
Francesca's Mystic Echo => Harmonic Resonance [12]: Charge 3, Give one unit Harmony and trigger all friendly units with Harmony.
Should the ability be too Strong with Fran, it's possible to give it to Calveit, instead, using Assimilate. But it shouldn't be applied to all factions because that would make the leaders, once again, boring.
On a closing note, a few leaders I find interesting (not necessarily competitive, though)
Francesca's Mystic Echo
Dana's Call of Harmony
Calanthe's Pincer Maneuver
Eist's Second Wind
Calveit's Tactical Decision
Cleaver's Wild Card
Henselt's Mobilization
Dana's Call of Harmony
Calanthe's Pincer Maneuver
Eist's Second Wind
Calveit's Tactical Decision
Cleaver's Wild Card
Henselt's Mobilization
And, except for Henselt, they suffer from the same issue. Not only does it limit design space, it also allows unpleasant combos for the same reason Summoning Circle was nerfed. Furthermore, it also makes the game more boring having the same kind of leaders, which aren't tied to an archetype. I am not saying all leaders need to have a single supporting archetype, but I do want some more variety.
I am not going to make suggestions for all leaders, individually, but I'll give one for Francesca, who is the worst (read: best) of them all, thanks to the strong Tutor Specials.
Francesca's Mystic Echo => Harmonic Resonance [12]: Charge 3, Give one unit Harmony and trigger all friendly units with Harmony.
Should the ability be too Strong with Fran, it's possible to give it to Calveit, instead, using Assimilate. But it shouldn't be applied to all factions because that would make the leaders, once again, boring.
On a closing note, a few leaders I find interesting (not necessarily competitive, though)
Arachas Swarm
Fruits of Ysgith
Deadeye Ambush
Sacrificial Vanguard
Fruits of Ysgith
Deadeye Ambush
Sacrificial Vanguard