Renamed 'NONE' map icons filter option & new filter option + remember filter setting

Currently the default option 'NONE' doesn't exclude anything and therefore shows every type of map icon, unfiltered. Which could be taken as misleading since 'NONE' would rather suggest just showing the map and no icons at all. And yes, I know - that's not the case if you look at/interpret it the other way ('NONE' as in "none filtered", which equals showing all icons) it obviously has been implemented with.

Anyway - I'd like to propose the 'NONE' filter to be renamed to better and unmistakingly convey its function and match its purpose, by changing it to 'ALL'
adding a new filter, named either 'NONE' (if the first part of the proposal would be considered and realized) or 'NO ICONS', which, if set, would actually show just the map and no icons at all.

For what purpose, you might ask - well, obviously, for the sole purpose of having the option of navigating Night City by just bringing up the plain old map without being visually clobbered by all those icons. And the nice side effect of not having the location of the 'question mark' side missions/street stories/other side objectives spoiled, if you wanted to discover them naturally, by means of good old exploration.

Which, of course, would be even more efficient if the map remembered the set map icons filter of our choice the next and every subsequent time the map would be brought up.

If one then would also be able to hide the objective markers, vendor icons and other symbols unnecessarily cluttering the HUD on top of that - Cyberpunk 2077 might actually turn into the immersive sim(-lite) we were promised.
The game not saving the filter is especially annoying. And that's such an easy thing to include.
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