Repacked USMs don’t load in-game

Already asked this on Github, but I thought to try here too.

I've packed certain USM files (Witcher 3 movie files) into the game with the WolvenKit mod manager, and they skip completely when they’re meant to play ingame, instead only flickering black for a second. This happens regardless of whether the files themselves are changed in any way or not. Unfortunately, I don’t know whether this is a problem with WolvenKit or the game itself.

For some reason, this only happens with a select few cutscenes. I’ve observed this issue with two of them:
  • movies\cutscenes\pre_rendered_cutscenes\cs002_wild_hunt_chase_p4.usm (Yennefer and Geralt riding off to Vizima after fighting the Wild Hunt after White Orchard)
  • movies\cutscenes\flashbacks\rs_1a.usm (cutscene after seeing the Baron hang himself at Crow’s Perch)
Steps to reproduce this issue are at the GitHub link above.

Anyone know what the problem is?
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