Report bugs

Thanks for improving but there's still a lot:

Report(I'm brazilian, sorry my english):

-In the mission "Vou de taxi/🇧🇷" Delamain's mission, the drone goes through the door and consequently the V does not go through the door having to go back to the save.
-In the mission "Bichos Escrotos/🇧🇷" bodies float in the air after they put them in the trunk.


-Walk toggle for keyboard.
-Accessibility features.
-Missing a toggle aim feature.
-Very few options (hair color, tattoos, skin complexion, scars, etc).
-Add an option to "disable antialiasing".
-Add a water graphics option.

-Images of the loading screen disappearing leaving only the smoke effect(Maybe my pc?).
-Run extremely fast over handrails, pipes, bars and other objects
-Dead bodies moving.
-NPCs enter inside closed doors.
-Enemies in T-pose position.
-Returning the save, all npcs can change and exchange positions / action in relation to the old save.
-Improve stability again.
-Cars flying or falling from the sky.
-Cops spawning out of nowhere and disappearing shortly after.
-There are railways, but I didn't see any transport (Bug?).
-V's hair disappear in the mirror.
-Flying NPCs Items.
-Some cars do not respect the signs, even when there are people in the pedestrian lane(a little rare).
-NPCs coming out of nowhere.
-V flying in situations when opening camera mode.
-Best paths ignored by GPS.
-V doesn't move his mouth when the characters turn him on (in vehicles you can see).
-Misty's letters do not appear on the counter.
-Rendering still needs to improve.
-Desert grass has no collision.
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