Repost: An idea for flatlined/game over screens

I feel like I wasn't really specific or wordy enough so I had to go back and edit this post

I've been thinking about this even before the game released, and really should be included to add some sort of immersion.

When Randomly you get in a shootout with gangs and get overwhelmed, there should be a cutscene/animation were you get a humiliated/bad ending.

I say randomly because this keeps you on your toes in case you go down and the game triggers the animation/cutscene then seeing the original flatlined screen, and without having to sit through the entire cutscene/animation again.

For example - Scavengers/Wraiths abduct you and take you to their hideout, strip you of your gear (just in the sweet dreams side quest) where you can choose to get your gear or rush to exit and have to fight your way out, while disoriented, sort of like when you have a headache from the biochip. If you fail, and get flatlined, it will show an animation showing someone dragging you away by your arms or feet to get your implants taken out. There should also be a trigger point near the exits or in random spots of the hideout where you feel weak and fall to the ground, and has to crawl your way while struggling/wrestling with scavengers/wraiths, sort like a mini game.

For Maelstrom/Tyger claws/Voodoo boys/Animals and Valentinos - simply shows you on your back or stomach trying to get up slowly, but a gang member walks up, puts a gun to your face and shooting you dead, leaving your body there.

For Militech/Arasaka- similar to the shooting you dead but interrogate you on the spot or take you to a random small base for torturing or interrogation and have to fight your way out.

Again, this would add immersion and it could simply say "Hey I better not get overwhelmed again or this could not go well for me".
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I don't think I'd enjoy seeing my character debased like that.

It might add immersion, an escape scenario could be interesting, but having to sit through a snuff scene could also be quite frustrating when all you might want to do is get back to playing.
Even though I see the creativity behind this idea, I still prefer a simple "You died" screen to be able to move on as quickly as possible.

Nevertheless, I find the suggestions interesting, for example, as mission-dependent events. But not as constantly repeating elements.
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