Review our game – Community reviewers selected

Aesieru said:
Lol not even a manual. That's kinda funny.

I would have to agree! As there could possibly be at least one reviewer who has in fact never played The Witcher 2!
Or, for outlaws like myself, who have not touched a console controller in over 10 years (and that only includes the PS2 controllers!)
Still, as stated, it is only a promotional copy....similiar to the ones you would see at tech./ gaming shows most likely! where crazy-ass fans or "individuals" would just sit down and have at it!

Still, if it includes a tutorial section (such as how they updated the PC version with one) it won't be that bad!

I still want the medallion! Damn it all to f**kin' hell that it's not found anywhere!

Witcher of the House of Scorpion!
XSpartan said:
Okay... I'm sorry for wasting your time xD

No worries. Good info to know. Some folks make it sound like it's coming from CA though. Does anyone know where they are shipping the review copies from?

EDIT: Never mind, I just saw Scorpion's post, and it looks like it is coming from CA. Hope it comes in today's mail!
XSpartan said:
Manual is included in the cover..And IMO you're lucky for having won a copy..So don't complain please

Hold on there amigo! either dial down on the Ridaline or seriously up the dosage!...
No one was complaining in the slighest!
My original post was simply in response to an earlier inquiry that wanted to know "what came with the copy" that was received for reviewing..
And in good humor Aesieru graciously contributed his/her two cents! (no offense amigo/amiga.. I can't tell from the screenname alone and I simply haven't bothered to check profile details!)

So, recap..with the reviewer copy.. there is NO MANUAL, as it is a standard-promotional copy (and yes, according to the 1st class postage on the big evelope, it was sent out from Warner Home Studios in CA!)

So, enjoy!

Witcher of the House Scorpion!
(on a side note...ALL HAIL FOAMY!)
HouseofScorpionWitcher said:
Hold on there amigo! either dial down on the Ridaline or seriously up the dosage!...
No one was complaining in the slighest!
My original post was simply in response to an earlier inquiry that wanted to know "what came with the copy" that was received for reviewing..
And in good humor Aesieru graciously contributed his/her two cents! (no offense amigo/amiga.. I can't tell from the screenname alone and I simply haven't bothered to check profile details!)

So, recap..with the reviewer copy.. there is NO MANUAL, as it is a standard-promotional copy (and yes, according to the 1st class postage on the big evelope, it was sent out from Warner Home Studios in CA!)

So, enjoy!

Witcher of the House Scorpion!
(on a side note...ALL HAIL FOAMY!)
Yeah AMigo..I won a copy too But I think you haven't understood what I wanted to mean...whatever...Are you sure the copy is coming from CA?Is it the same thing for Europe?Now I'm understanding why the delivery is so slow
XSpartan said:
Yeah AMigo..I won a copy too But I think you haven't understood what I wanted to mean...whatever...Are you sure the copy is coming from CA?Is it the same thing for Europe?Now I'm understanding why the delivery is so slow
So you mean that we don't have a manual inside the game cover...right?
I would guess that the ones for Europe are coming from Europe (Warsaw, probably...or wherever their distro center is), and the ones for the US are coming from CA.
My review copy arrived just a few minutes ago! Of course, I was waiting out by the mailbox when I heard his truck a street over and it arrived just like House of Scorpion Witcher described. USPS First Class Mail from Warner Home Video in Oxnard, California. The two game disks are in the same packaging that will go on the store shelves but it didn't come with the manual, map or the other Enhanced Edition goodies. Good thing I didn't cancel my preorder! I still want those things and I believe they will be worth the price.
As the dust settles on the friendly dispuit of information..
I, The Witcher of House Scorpion will do what I can to clarify:
1) The copy that I received (which was shipped from the Warner Home Video Dist. in CA - United States) was a standard-promotional copy of the game; the game disks are standard and contain the full game (Enhanced Edition) but does not contain any of the retail extras- i.e. game manual and such... (and no.. it is not inside the game cover.. neither printed on a quick reference sheet nor a booklet attached to those prong thingees inside the cover!)

Now, as stated by others, distribution is more than likely handled differently depending upon the region you are located in, but for those of us in the U.S.A, it appears to have been shipped out of CA (California-West Coast)

All of this pails in comparion to the fact that the medallion is the f**kin' coolest thing and it needs to be available somewhere!
Yes thats called obessessing.. yes it called bitching and done so in a manly, fanyboy, pseudo-ninja geek whiny kind of way!

Witcher of the House Scorpion
(All hail Foamy..for fear his squirrelly wraith!)
Nothing wrong with obessing over that. Gamestop has a promo Witcher poster that I've had my eyes on for a while now and I will stop at nothing to get it!
By the way, guys, can you show us some photos of the review copy? Does it exactly look like the one in the store?

I read something about the missing booklet, as far as I know the one from the store has it, but not this copy?
Hey guys, glad you got your review copies and all, but - in all this excitement - please don't forget to write and post an actual review of the game :)
I was also accepted to get a review copy of this game. I was just wondering how long would it take to receive my game? I live in Connecticut and if it shipped from CA then it should just be a couple days right?

Is anyone from CT or near that has received a copy?
Yet they say obession is unhealthy! Bull***t! I say...those bastards!
Now, on to being a helpful community-minded individual:

- Toommeekk: well, the good part is that the cover does not have some big, disgusting assgoblin "PROMO ONLY" stamp on it anywhere. In fact. at the very beginning of this news thread, the cover art shown for the Xbox 360 EE is exactly what was received (at least as far as my copy is concerned!) so, it may be a fair presumption that this review copy has the exact same cover art as the standard-retail version.
- Faintestidea: You do whatever it takes to secure that poster! Take no prisoners! Throw beatdowns and bitch slaps as needed to obtain that treasure!... all those geeks can bow before your greatness!...or, just ask nicely..whichever works for you..
HouseofScorpionWitcher said:
I would have to agree! As there could possibly be at least one reviewer who has in fact never played The Witcher 2!
Or, for outlaws like myself, who have not touched a console controller in over 10 years (and that only includes the PS2 controllers!)
Still, as stated, it is only a promotional copy....similiar to the ones you would see at tech./ gaming shows most likely! where crazy-ass fans or "individuals" would just sit down and have at it!

Still, if it includes a tutorial section (such as how they updated the PC version with one) it won't be that bad!

I still want the medallion! Damn it all to f**kin' hell that it's not found anywhere!

Witcher of the House of Scorpion!

It's a bit surprising that we've got retail-looking boxes to begin with. I remember getting a "Pre-Release" copy of Age of Empires III back when my work was still doing business with Microsoft. We had simple paper sleeves with a white label on the disc reading "Age of Empires III Promotional", "NOT FOR RESALE", and "DO NOT MAKE COPIES OF THIS DISC" (as opposed to "illegal copies").

I expected pretty much a blank case for this, and I'm pleased it will look nice in my (admittedly large) collection.
Received mine today USPS 1st Class from Warner Home Video. Installed disc 1, patched the game, and played through the tutorial. I am very impressed and can't wait to play more!

BTW, I am in the SW in the USA.
gregski said:
Hey guys, glad you got your review copies and all, but - in all this excitement - please don't forget to write and post an actual review of the game :)

No! Damn it all to Hell sideways!!!
I knew there was something I was supposed to do with this crazy copy of The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition...

No worries amigo, once the dust settles and my brother stops being a punk bitch and lets me "rent" his console, a snazzy and well-deserved review will be posted to all the sites I can somehow manage to post on..

Until then... ALL HAIL FOAMY!

Witcher of House Scorpion
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