Roadmap Overview – Live Stream 12.12.2018

They promised regular hot fixes and seasonal patches, so to me that feels pretty quick and responsive. Like you said, we will see how it ultimately goes, but I am optimistic with the plan.

Regular Hot fixes are for game bugs not balancing issues.

Season patches are once every month - and you have to understand patches are small & incremental. There will be no major changes because, like Homecoming, it is bad (poor transition & poor gameplay at least for a period of time). Furthermore, it would be too destructive for the game's identity to change drastically more than once.

They are not really quick and responsive if you want the game to get back to standards fast. It could take many months before they get back to a standard people are actually content on - someone who wants things to happen fast, want to see it occur in the next patch.

In a competitive market (Capitalism) consumers have quick feet, especially if good competition exists.
CD Projeckt Red, need to worry about this less because they have a niche demographic (basically one of the best groups of people to have in business). Consumers like myself (a part of this niche demographic) - who are disenfranchised with the changes & mistakes CD Projekt Red have made, will likely stay loyal for a time, but not forever, especially if criticisms are not addressed.

I'm not overly pessimistic, nor optimistic. I expect more good changes than bad changes. Jason put on a good face, and he should feel proud for doing that - but at the same time, words & speeches are one thing, actions are another.
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