Roadmap overview

In case you missed today’s stream, video with our Roadmap Overview is now available on YouTube!

Here’s what’s coming to GWENT in the near future:

TL: DR (TL: DW?)

New user experience

  • Redesigned starter decks – focusing more on each faction, their advantages and synergies, and less on the neutral cards
  • Shortened and more approachable tutorial
  • Introductory faction videos
Drag’n’Drop feature

  • Coming with the April patch!
UI improvements

  • Focusing on simplicity and readability
  • Introducing animations with nice effects when cards land on the board
  • Counters on the rows coming with the April patch
  • Better way of showcasing which cards should be placed on what row
Vanity items

  • Board halves will be removed – each match will be played on the battlefield chosen by the defender (red player)
  • Avatars and borders will be visible in the game once again
  • New game boards (tavern board coming soon)
  • More focus on vanity items after the expansion
GWENT for smartphones

  • Progress is looking great – iOS version will come first, Android will follow
Future expansions

  • Next expansion will focus on a new faction
  • More expansions planned this year
Monthly game updates

  • We’ll keep balancing and improving the game with monthly patches and hotfixes if needed
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Not a big fan of
"Board halves will be removed – each match will be played on the battlefield chosen by the defender (red player) "

Can you put in an option in the settings to always see your chosen board, if you are throwing out the half board current setup?

After I spend money or meteorite powder on the board I like the best I would like to play on it 100% of the time and not 50% and the other 50% only see the board the oponent chooses.

Best way is to make it optional and allow players to change the default in the settings to their board only.
New Faction! Can't wait to get more info on that. It sounds like some really cool stuff is coming, and the UI tweaks will be very welcome. I'm happy to see avatars coming back into the match session. Will you bring back the ability to use their Taunts? It was nice having the same voice lines for each match, and matches felt a little more personal. Also good incentive to collect more avatars.

If there's any one thing I could (constructively) criticize: you could be more clear about the timing of new content. Whenever we hear "...ready within one month...or two", we know it's gonna be the later date. Nothing wrong with taking more time, I just think it would be reassuring to have more hard dates. There are so many things competing for people's attention; nebulous time frames could be a detriment. I say this only because I want Gwent to prosper!

PS: Having one singular board sounds fantastic. I'm sure it will go a long way toward "cleaning up" the UI, and maybe they won't look quite so dark. This is a very elegant solution, and players will get to enjoy their boards in an interesting way. Things are looking good!
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Can you give us any news or information on a tablet, in my case iPad, version of the game? I think many people who have tablets, android or ios, would LOVE to have this game running with a tablet-optimised game.
Can you put in an option in the settings to always see your chosen board
Then people would never know if the opponent is seeing their board choice. I think this new approach will actually allow you to really show off your board and give matches more flavor. Imagine you've got a Northern Realms leader with an epic skin, standing on a northern battlefield, as the Black-clads line up for an invasion. Or defending ancient Elven ruins. Raiding a rival clan with a band of Skellige warriors.

But I see where you're coming from. Maybe an option to stick with one board is a good idea. I'm a sucker for lore-friendliness :)
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Then people would never know if the opponent is seeing their board choice. .........

True, but ultimately that does not affact you or the opponent in any way. Its simply cosmetic, and if your oponent does not want to see your board why should they? It makes no difference to you either way; same way an opponent can mute your taunts and you never know.

I don't think its a good idea to force people to play roughly 50% of the time on boards they don't like to see, or are personally for them not nice to look at.

The new approach should be the default position, but there should definuitely be a toggle to simply play on your chosen vanity board. It makes no diffence for your oponent, but it makes the game a lot better for people who prefer to have their own choice of boards for all matches.
I really, truly hope "More expansions" means more Witcher Tales.

The tavern board is nice but I what I want most, and I don't think I'm alone, is simplicity. I think the best way to go from here, before things get too out of hand with cosmetics, is to create a version of the current animated leaders which can be rendered in the style of the 2D mosaic portraits and let us choose to simply view them as avatars.

Months after Homecoming, I still find the models (and majority of the game boards) distracting and, personally, unappealing to look at in an otherwise beautiful game. Gwent's cards are so gorgeous, let them be the focus of the screen, not all this clutter in the periphery of the game itself.
Can you give us any news or information on a tablet, in my case iPad, version of the game? I think many people who have tablets, android or ios, would LOVE to have this game running with a tablet-optimised game.

We asked when it was first announced and they replied it was not planned as of yet. Sounds a bit strange considering it's just a matter of templates. But I guess they are new to the mobile genre and had to make quick decisions on platforms without planning broadly.
"GWENT for smartphones " sounds scary, i hope the mobile version will be simplified PC version and not vice versa. I don't wan't to play mobile game on PC, and i don't consider phone a legit gaming platform.
I'm glad the board halves are going away; it does make more sense to have the entire board look the same, even with just the current skins.

I know I'll manage to play cards on the wrong row even with the improved visual indicators. There is no way that won't happen.
Can someone explain this a bit in detail what they think it is?
If you get the red coin (go second), the entire board will have whatever skin you have equipped. If you get the blue coin (go first), the entire board will have whatever skin the opponent has equipped.
If you get the red coin (go second), the entire board will have whatever skin you have equipped. If you get the blue coin (go first), the entire board will have whatever skin the opponent has equipped.

Thanks, I had another thought about it, figured it out. Hah, I thought it had something to do with "real" board halves and gameplay.
GWENT for smartphones

Would be the greatest of all the news for me from its announcement. But makes me as PS player feeling more uneasy as excited right now due to no mention of cross-platform. Not really sure, how to react if only choice to keep the card collection will be to stick to PS.. At least hint of intention here would be great, even dinosaur like Sony seems to finally move this direction..
I don't really know how th think about the board halves. While it was a bit strange to have it splitted in the middle, a majority of boards doesn't make any sense if it isn't splitted.
Next expansion will focus on a new faction
New faction? Please no! Rational thinking and experience tells, it is bad idea. Just look at Hearthstone with 9 classes and its trouble with distinctive identity. The more factions, the less visible identity and more stepping over to other factions territory. It may look as interesting idea to have more factions, but just look how you "had to" retro-adjust old leaders (Crach and Craite and Eredin Breacc Glas) with release of Crimson Curse in order to make things more balanced and diversed.

More factions mean trouble to make distinctive differencies between factions (less diversed identity of factions) and headache for balancing.
Would have been nice if they spent the energy on fixing Nilfgaard instead, especially. But also reveal for Nilfgaard, and also Northern Realms and more small tweaks to Scoia'Tael, to bring these 3 factions to the same level as monsters and skellige.
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