Roleplaying Perks?

So, it might just be that we have only seen the perks for combat/crafting relates items because that is what the play testers focused on. But this is an RPG first and a FPS second, right?

Two question areas:
1. Has anybody seen if there are any roleplaying related perks? List them if you see them, but so far all the ones I've seen released are directly combat related or econonic/crafting/looting in focus. Where are the Perks that help give more favorable character interactions, especially if the player is going for a no-kill game and wants to focus on story?
2. What roleplaying related perks would you like to see?

Some ideas:
1. Uncanny Valley: something about you and your cyberware makes you look off, or less human. Some characters will react negatively to this, but Better relations with maelstrom gang and individuals with low humanity scores; may create dialogue options with cyberpsychos.

2. Robin Hood: you are a protector of the people and defender against corruption. Get better rates and interactions with nightmarket vendors and in poor districts, however suffer a 15% higher chance of gaining a ncpd wanted level.

3. Path to Enlightenment: you have chosen defense and human dexterterous defense rather than aggression and automation. Gain a 40% buff to reflex/dodge as long as your cybernetics remain in only two slots.

4. Night Walker: friend to the mox and all they stand for, you are a joyboy/joygirl in all but name. Opens dialogue options for both nightwalkers and johns/janes, and better relations with the Moxies.
Just a few ideas and questions. Thoughts?
I believe back in 2018 one of the dev's said in an interview regarding cyberpsychosis that as a general rule they didn't want story content gated too much by stats. We seen dialogue checks hard gated by stats or life path... but I think most of the story related roleplaying opportunities will be reflected more by player choices in the narrative rather than stat/skill/perk choices. Those elements seem more closely tied to gameplay than narrative based roleplaying.
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there was mentioned translator implant and discussed some cosmetic implants such as claws and tails,...(?)
true, but those are cybernetics, not perks. The perks seem very combat or loot/grind/craft focused, i.e. they are focuses on how to kill enemies better/survive enemies, get past enemies, or loot enemies. At least the ones we see aren't focused on the character interaction element. I mean, if bethesda can do it (and bethesda's game mechanics suck*) then it shouldn't be extremely difficult to code in a story/character interaction focused perk, right?
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