RPG & unjustified expectations?

I'm not disregarding anything. All i'm saying is, you can't make claims like the one regarding the "community system" if you're still unsure how it will turn out in the end, EVEN IF you use that disclaimer, especially if the trailer in question WAS in fact aimed for EVERYONE, from investors to gamers, since the said trailer is uploaded on CP77 official YouTube channel, which i wouldn't call exactly the best place where you drop something that is not meant to become public knowledge, but anyway...

You're conflating the issue here, they didn't make just any claim, they showed their improved crowd system compared to their previous game that, what they thought, helped to create the most believable city in any game to date.

That's not just a wild claim it has facts as basis and marketing jargon as flair, it's how marketing works.

Also this:

CDPR in regards to showing the backstage demo to the public.

Of course it's those things too, but a city without citizens would be a post-apocalyptic wasteland, not a city. Night City lore-wise is supposed to be populated by nearly 7 millions people. And i expect those people to act in realistic ways, not to walk back and forth and crouch on the spot when i throw grenades around. I'm not saying this aspect is more important than the atmosphere, the music ecc (which i REALLY dig anyway); but it's too easy to leave out of the equation the NPCs behavoir and technical production in a city that is supposed to look and feel as overpopulated and lively. When judging a product you have to consider every aspect of it, especially if it's this crucial to the experience and to make the city feel like a real one. And for many people it is. Maybe not for you, and that's perfectly fine.

Yup, me too, but I can also suspend my disbelief and enjoy the experience as CDPR never intended to have extended sandbox elements in Cyberpunk.

Would have been awesome though.
I'm still enthusiastic too for things to come. I check the forums everyday just to know if there are new announcements. I'm just a little bored with the game (and CDPR's press-silence regarding things to come) as it is now after multiple playthroughs, so i'm waiting for new content to jump into it again on a fresh playthrough, while i enjoy other games in the meantime.

Just had the best experience in the game yet, and we take it for granted - I used to for three playthroughs until a few days ago.

I tend to save inside V's apartment, so as I loaded the game after a busy day of work with a couple of beers, I proceeded to slowly walk out of the apartment and absorb the atmosphere, the sounds and the sights of the megabuilding.

Then I continued to slowly walk out the front entrance into a busy crowd, all seamless, no loading, no interruptions, different tracks playing in the background while passing various stores, cars flooding the road with engine noises and various conversations in between NPC's or various displays and radios.

I should mention that I don't use the minimap at all and a very minimalistic HUD, I proceed to walk past Vic's clinic and down the alleyway that leads to the spot where you first meet Dex, observed the NCPD and gangoons shootout, a few bullets flew past my head which prompted me to pull out my handgun and make short work of those goons, having the officers thank me at the end.

I continued to walk ahead down the road that looped me back towards the Megabuilding, the ambient noises and tracks just draw me deeper into the experience, while the city scape is simply mesmerizing...

I walked past the little convenience store just to the side of V's megabuilding, the one assaulted by Tyger Claws, but now clear of the perpetrators life has returned to the place, people just hanging around minding their own business and others passing through.

The crowd was slowly being funneled down a covered alleyway through the massive building straight ahead, it leads down some stairs and it opens up on the other side with a fantastic view, the road underneath the passage way was full of cars, massive crowds of people left and right, the noise of the AV's flying around and the holo projectors advertising all sorts, all engulfed my senses, a news bulletin interrupted the adds for a brief moment notifying the locals about the homeless situation in NC and Watson.

At this point I was fully immersed as I was passing by a market place overrun by Tyger Claws, the NCPD dispatch issued a warning which prompted me to take cover behind the nearby Van and prepare for a fight, as I loathe the Tyger Claw agents torturing the civilians who were willing to stand up to them.

After a hairy fight which consisted in both handguns and stealth takedowns I proceeded to slowly walk back towards V's megabuilding and retire for the night.

As I was approaching the apartment a strong feeling overwhelmed me, I was home and I was still alive, what a day...

All that because there simply were no loading screens, nothing to interrupt my experience, and the details were everywhere, in every facet of the experience, from the random NPC's all telling a story through their attire or behavior (some were transporting stuff, others were on their laptops, some seemed to be having a hard time etc.) to the sounds, the sights and the music... I was lost.

But the feeling of coming back after a long day was real, just like the one I had when I came back from work a few hours earlier.

So surreal and all because it was so seamless, no loading screens.

And it was the most mundane thing when put into context, I didn't do anything particularly important or seemingly engaging at all, but I was fully engaged.
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I understand the disclaimer, but I don't think it allows you to fill the video with whatever you feel like so you can just back off later on. Lets assume that CDPR had said that you could own a gang, flying cars, take over the police, blow up the huge buildings etc. Where does the limit go for how many things you can add, while still just claiming that it was work in progress and therefore none of these things were in the game? I know, that CDPR never said any of these things would be, but had they done it, there ought to be nothing wrong with it.

Good thing they didn't then...

I agree, that minor things may change when you see a disclaimer like that, which is perfectly acceptable and we expect it. But again, its about trust between company and players, we only have whatever information they provide us. But if they are protected by a disclaimer like this, which allow them you just add whatever they feel like in order to convince us that this is the best game ever, soon there will be no point in releasing trailers, because you have no clue whether they are true or not.

If all it took to convince you of it was to say it was the best ever, then what can I say...

I've heard the same phrases repeated so many times throughout my gaming life that I've become completely desensitized, perhaps why I have no problems with them, they're just there giving me the impression that they strive for the best...

But that's a me issue and not an excuse, perhaps it's wrong to market stuff using superlatives but that's a story for another time.

Marketing is marketing if it were false advertisement they would have been sued for it, they haven't so we either accept it and move on or not, but it's wasted energy for me to harp on any of this.

That doesn't mean I agree with it nor that CDPR was in the right to market the game the way that they did, but for me personally it was of no consequence.

I've been burned before by more mischievous companies for this to mean anything at all, just water under the bridge.

But this is nothing but an excuse for CDPR, people get hyped for a reason? it doesn't come from simply knowing that CDPR were going to make a CP game, its when people hear, what they say about the game.

As an example, When CDPR say that you can choose how to spend your time in NC, and show all those clips of stuff that appear as things you can do, while they are highlighting that it is an open world game, choices matters etc. Then people expect that you at least can do these as that is what we were shown.
Where hype comes in, is when people starts to speculate whether you can do more than what is shown in the video, like wondering if you can buy properties like in GTA 5? Can you buy houses? etc. And some of these things they have answered, so we knew that you couldn't buy houses, or flying cars etc. But they never backed down from how interactive the world would be. About how all the choices you make would shape your game, and how complex these system were. Stuff like that creates a lot of hype, but that is hype created by CDPR not fans.

All I'm aware of is of one singular very small CGI teaser trailer that even came close to this, I believe it was meant for TV advertising initially and I completely disagree with the premise of it or the way it was used.

But really?

So we ignore all the hour long presentations and proper trailers that portray the game as it is in favor of this one small teaser that perhaps tickles our fancy more and then get outraged that the CGI teaser had a car chase in it with V shooting out of it and a supermodel walking out of a pool in a villa and we had none of that in the game?

I believe the intent behind it was another one, subversion of expectations and a deconstruction of the rags to riches story and the futility behind it when one's own identity and existence is on the line.

But that's purely speculation just like the whole narrative where CDPR had a more nefarious reason to publicize it, getting the GTA V crowd on board.
I completely agree with you, no one expect perfection in this industry, we all know the rules and that games does contain bugs at launch. What we don't expect is games that can hardly play. Again CDPR chose to release the Xbox and PS4 version, they could have pushed these, but they didn't, they release it and later excused it with them not really being aware. Players don't know any better and how could they? CDPR say the game is working on these consoles, so sure people will buy it.
And even when it comes to general bugs, we expect them, but we don't expect a game to be filled with them, especially if they are so obvious that there is no chance on Earth that they didn't know. Fine that there are a few of these, if they were pressured and simply didn't have time to fix them, but when the amount of bugs are so severe as it is with CP, then it goes beyond the point of rules that we accept. Exactly why people get angry at Fallout 76 etc.

You can't blame players for this, because no one knows the state of the game as it releases, except the developers. And waiting for reviews etc, is not an excuse, these people are not "quality control" for the gaming companies, despite them actually seem like it, you as a player should be able to buy a game and expect it to work and be close to what was promised.

That's ridiculous, here we go again, I'm not blaming the players, that'd be silly.

The state the game was released is unacceptable and CDPR issued refunds as soon as possible, I'm sure they got the message.

As far as I'm aware they're still working to remedy the situation, that's all I can ask for at the moment.
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Take a break?

From what exactly?

I get the impression that you're associating some kind of anger to my post when there is none. At worst I'm completely indifferent or a bit blasé about the whole conversation. It is beating a dead horse after all but the conversation has been interesting nonetheless.

But hey, if you want me out of here, take solace in the fact that I'm heading back home on Friday and will disappear for months again. Maybe never to return

Perhaps me reacting to your passive aggressiveness in your replies gives you the impression that I'm associating anything with anything...

My sincere recommendation if you're struggling to enjoy the game is to take a break and do something you enjoy doing with your limited free time.

I have very limited free time myself and when I do I tend to play Rocket League, when I get a day or two off I perhaps go for Mass Effect.

I need to be in a certain mind frame to get back into Cyberpunk and fully enjoy it as I intend to, and that's definitely not every day.
Or choice three - never return (something CDPR certainly doesn't want)
Or choice four - come back every now and then, complain, rinse and repeat ad nauseam
Or choice five - ...

This is what I meant by passive aggressiveness.

My point is that people react, act and experience things in different ways. Neither of us, or any other member for that matter, has any business telling anyone what is the ''right'' way to act and what isn't and absolutely no one has any business telling anyone how they should experience anything. We're all wired differently, different things will elicit vastly different responses in different people. As long as your reaction/experience doesn't affect anyone else, there absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Again, the entire point of the thread is discussing past matters. Obviously, there won't be no new arguments. Yet, even then, some valid points can be brought up and discussed. Point of views changed. Information and ideas exchanged and so on. Just two days ago @ooodrin proved me wrong about a certain quote from CDPR. You can accept it and move on with the conversation. Or you don't and entrench yourself. That's up to each individual member. Again, as long as it remains civil I see absolutely no issue.

As far as I'm aware that's exactly what we've been doing, and we're both verging on off topic by carrying on with this.

Which it has so far, which I suspect is the only reason the moderators have allowed this dead horse of a thread to keep going. Although I suspect that's about to change.

I honestly don't see it that way, in fact this thread has a bit of leeway in what subjects we can discuss.

And I still find it quite amusing interacting with these topics.

You see walls shouting at walls, I see people discussing things in a relatively calm and orderly manner. Sure there is a hint of sarcasm here and there but so far it's been very civil. As a side note I particularly enjoy @ooodrin 's matter-of-fact-no-BS-here-is-a-link-on-why-you're-wrong posts.
It was in jest, but perhaps in poor taste.

My apologies.
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Glad to hear that. :)
Just to be clear, my goal was only to clear misconceptions about what was actually said by CDPR staff and what originated from outside sources. Not to defend their marketing campaign and reliance on CGI trailers and NCWs instead of showing gameplay footage from final stage of game's development. They could have done a much better job at managing people's expectations and leave no room for illusions about Cyberpunk's sandbox nature.
Oh, I absolutely never read it as such.

I was merely pointing out the fact that your post rarely have any fluff to them. It's very straight to the matter informative with very little to argue or even debate. It's efficient.

Perhaps me reacting to your passive aggressiveness in your replies gives you the impression that I'm associating anything with anything...

My sincere recommendation if you're struggling to enjoy the game is to take a break and do something you enjoy doing with your limited free time.

I have very limited free time myself and when I do I tend to play Rocket League, when I get a day or two off I perhaps go for Mass Effect.

I need to be in a certain mind frame to get back into Cyberpunk and fully enjoy it as I intend to, and that's definitely not every day.

This is what I meant by passive aggressiveness.

Again, there is no passive aggressiveness here. I'm very indifferent to the conversation (or the internet as a whole really). Keep in mind that the medium we are forced to use does not convey tone correctly. We all write in very different ways and anything outside of pure neutrality can be interpreted in many ways.

I assure you, if you felt I was being passive aggressive, I didn't mean it in any way.

My turn to apologize.

Yes, I struggle to enjoy the game, as such I'm fully aware not to waste time on it right now. I don't. I haven't played the game since April. As I previously said, I'm in a hotel room and bored. I come here for possible updates that would motivate me to give it another whirl and some conversations catch my attention. The fact I discuss things here does not mean that I actively play the game.
Not sure I agree here.

The fact a game is open world or not should have absolutely no incidence on story/character diversity. So I don't really take that into account when performing any comparison about this.

I agree that very few RPGs have more story/character diversity than CP but in many cases it's comparing apples to oranges. You can't exactly compare a small indie studio's work to CDPR's work on CP. If you compare AAA studios known for the quality of their narrative experience you get a much better comparison. Personally, when I do this exercise, I don't end up thinking CP is far ahead of it's ''competition'' in character, diversity, features or almost everything else.

Don't get me wrong, there are certainly standouts in CP but they are few and far between but I admit the few standouts are exceptionally well written. Then again, the narrative has always been CDPR's strength.

its fine to say CP is normal, but its weird to say its deficient or sub standard when it comes to being an rpg. Or doesn't have rpg basics

What games are they comparing it too? Where is the third power branching narrative games, or the wealth of rpgs with multiple main narratives, or the rpgs where nameless npcs had deep lives that makes CP substandard by comparison? And if these games exist are they the norm? or the exceptions.

As for AAA budget, thats mostly about graphics/size/voice acting/cgi. There is no real advantage in terms of RPG/story/narrative/design for a AAA game, in fact usually the high production expectations limit your ability to deliver a strong RPG in the classic sense.

That said, for me CP as an rpg is very above average, the characters world and story reached me pretty well, and its all put together in a type of world you rarely experience in RPGs. It has flaws, and things that could improve, tons of room to grow, but its the most engaging game I played in years. I recognize that is subjective though.

But saying its missing the base requirements of a decent rpg, to me makes no sense.

edit, to be clear not saying you are saying that, but many people in this thread present the idea the game was deficient, or somehow less than what the standard rpg should be.
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Hah :)
You guys and gals aure know to write some heavy walls to go through:giggle:
And some interesting back and forths.

@GrimReaper801 , sad to hear that man, but that sort of stuff happens unfortunately.
Hopefully the anticipated 1.3 will provide something new to chew on, as they say.
its fine to say CP is normal, but its weird to say its deficient or sub standard when it comes to being an rpg. Or doesn't have rpg basics

What games are they comparing it too? Where is the third power branching narrative games, or the wealth of rpgs with multiple main narratives, or the rpgs where nameless npcs had deep lives that makes CP substandard by comparison? And if these games exist are they the norm? or the exceptions.

As for AAA budget, thats mostly about graphics/size/voice acting/cgi. There is no real advantage in terms of RPG/story/narrative/design for a AAA game, in fact usually the high production expectations limit your ability to deliver a strong RPG in the classic sense.

That said, for me CP as an rpg is very above average, the characters world and story reached me pretty well, and its all put together in a type of world you rarely experience in RPGs. It has flaws, and things that could improve, tons of room to grow, but its the most engaging game I played in years. I recognize that is subjective though.

But saying its missing the base requirements of a decent rpg, to me makes no sense.

edit, to be clear not saying you are saying that, but many people in this thread present the idea the game was deficient, or somehow less than what the standard rpg should be.

Personally, I'm not getting that vibe from people in this thread. Or, at least, I haven't seen any posts that I consider as making a case about that. Granted I skipped a few pages as you can usually follow the main points of a thread from the back and forth in the last few pages.

What I mostly see here and elsewhere is how the game felt marketed as much more. Forget the interviews and articles saying otherwise. Most people don't follow or read those. Which, in my opinion, is the crux of the issue. Most people see the marketing material only and that marketing material and it's campaign painted a great picture. Admittedly, that's the point, but when your marketing feels that far removed from the actual product, you end up with a shitstorm.

I'm personally divided about whether CDPR did this maliciously, out of incompetence or just out of potential necessity.

@GrimReaper801 , sad to hear that man, but that sort of stuff happens unfortunately.
Hopefully the anticipated 1.3 will provide something new to chew on, as they say.

It'll probably be the point where I either consider the game a complete waste of 60$ or start enjoying it again.
what is your concept of open world?

because open world design is not really about having a simulated world/life experience. Its about having an open world the player has access to rather than a more rigid series of levels/events that the player only has access to when you let them. For example after the heist you can fully explore NC, going to any area you want (even higher level) You can do content in various orders. You can totally ignore certain areas/content. A lot of what the player can experience and how they experience it, is up to the player.
The difficulty over the open world elements involves the advantages offered by the concept. You could slap an avatar in a large empty box and say it's "open". The advantages don't appear until stuff exists to do in that open world. The crux of the open world complaint is there wasn't a lot of attention paid to that "stuff to do".

I don't mean barbershops, dozens of houses, every door being accessible, a personal garage or rideable Unicorns with fairy wings either. I mean walking up to a group of NPC's having an interesting conversation acting as a quest trigger. Being able to interject and interact with that conversation. Even if it's relatively minor in the grand scheme.
You also say they didnt make it clear that wasn't what it was, but they did. There are videos/interviews in 2018 that say lifepaths are conversation options, an intro, and the general subplots within the game. There are interviews and articles saying its a narrative focused game unlike gta. There are interviews saying the only two real options if the police notice you are run, or die.
Life Paths
1. 3 different prologues to choose from.
2. A lot of flavor choices throughout the game.
3. An impactful nudge to choices/consequences in rare circumstances.

Police Crime/Wanted System
1. Engage in crime and police or mercs will appear from nowhere directly behind you in waves and try to destroy you.

Welp, that took all of 20 seconds. Put out a feature list with that listed on it. A simple little list on a webpage somewhere. If they had done so I must have missed it.

Now take a minute to ponder why those 20 seconds weren't consumed.
its kinda weird though to say this is what all RPGs should be, based on something that has rarely been implemented within the genre. The reality is very few RPGs have more story/charachter diversity than CP. And very few RPGs are even open world. Of the open world RPGs, they vary from title to title.
A lot of other RPG's don't let you play a Wizard character like it's a Fighter. Progression choices for the sake of progression choices is common, sure. A lot of other RPG's don't throw hundreds of perks in their game with a very large percentage being meaningless and an unreasonable number being completely non-functional at release either though.
In his example, he feels like leaving Takemura to wait feels unrealistic. It is not. Its only unrealistic if your V is the kind of person that will prioritize being kind to takemura over his own interests.
An interesting V who doesn't care about finding a solution to their life-threatening problem while they keep repeating they want to find the solution, nonetheless.
Again, there is no passive aggressiveness here. I'm very indifferent to the conversation (or the internet as a whole really). Keep in mind that the medium we are forced to use does not convey tone correctly. We all write in very different ways and anything outside of pure neutrality can be interpreted in many ways.

I assure you, if you felt I was being passive aggressive, I didn't mean it in any way.

My turn to apologize.

Perhaps I was reading it in the wrong tone, my bad.

It seems to me that there was at least some frustration behind it if not passive aggressiveness, and I took it the wrong way.

*bows head* :)

Yes, I struggle to enjoy the game, as such I'm fully aware not to waste time on it right now. I don't. I haven't played the game since April. As I previously said, I'm in a hotel room and bored. I come here for possible updates that would motivate me to give it another whirl and some conversations catch my attention. The fact I discuss things here does not mean that I actively play the game.

Same as me, I do have a session every now and then but I can't commit fully because the longer I play the more I get frustrated myself with the traffic AI algorithm, it doesn't let the immersion sink in whilst driving around the city and enjoying the sights.

In fact lately to get immersed I just slowly walk around and create a sort of head canon based on tidbits of information lying around, like graffiti, NPC attire, abandoned buildings and shady characters at street corners, it's quite relaxing :).
what is your concept of open world?
Something being open world, is that the game is not restricting you to follow certain path. And Cyberpunk is an open world game, they never said otherwise as far as I know. So this alone is not an issue, the problem is all the other things which they indicate are part of this experience.

As far as the first video, that has nothing to do with the open worldness of the game. The guy admits it has a very open world design, he just has trouble doing all the open world content while staying true to his perception of what he is supposed to be doing.
His issue is that the open world is in conflict with the main quest in regards to you being told that you are about to die. I don't roleplay as he does, but I agree with him, that it is an issue.

Because it simply becomes silly to go out and buying cars and solving crimes etc. That ought not to be your characters first priority. But it has nothing to do with personality, its simply ruins how believable the story is.

Do you agree that there is not a lot to do in Cyberpunk and the world is as dead as it can almost be? Meaning there is nothing to interact with, besides monster camps and missions?

Out of respect for CDPR and the TW3, I honestly don't think that they would make an open world game as dead as Cyberpunk is on "purpose". And that they don't know that it is not optimal or the experience they want players to feel when roaming NC.

Fair enough if you think there is enough to do and NC meets all expectations, that is your opinion. But I don't think that CDPR agrees, and I also think that they will add a lot of these things over time, not because people want it, but because it was the plan all along. But something as we know, probably went wrong during development and therefore they weren't there at launch.

If you have to put yourself in the shoes of CDPR, do you think their reaction when people said "WHAT? There is no way to change hairstyle or modify my body in a Cyberpunk game, that can't be right?" were, "OMG, we didn't think about this at all... for the last 8 years that never occurred to us, we should add something like that!!, its absolutely genius!!"

They are not bad at designing open world games. Im sorry I just don't buy it, that CDPR and CP as it is now, contains the exact amount of interactivity as was planned and therefore they shouldn't really add any new stuff to it, if they agree with you.

I honestly think that some fans/people, go to far in order to defend them. Even to the point, where I think CDPR would disagree with them. But you might be right, and they won't add anything new to the game, except some new missions through DLCs.

Things always change early in development process, but the things we are talking about that changed are mechanics and implementations. The concept of the type of game it is, hasn't changed.
I agree, that the fact that the game was going to be FP and open world, that hasn't changed. But to look through all these interviews and trailers, and say that it is the same game they are talking about as the one we got, I think is to fool one self and simply ignore half of what is said in these trailers and only focus on the things that is there, as if they were facts and therefore there is no issue.

My point is not that its impossible to see what they say as fitting a sandbox game, but rather that you interpret what they say, and show a certain way, because you had a pre existing idea of what type of game it is.
I disagree, first of all, I never thought of Cyberpunk as a sandbox game and never claimed that they said it either, so not really sure where you get that from.
I did as well, you go from breaking in and randomly shooting Arasaka people to suddenly owning a huge mansion, also one would assume that Arasaka and the police would be looking for you... maybe?
There is a subtle difference between Sun and Star endings that maybe you missed but help to understand why in one you own a mansion and in the other you are on the run

Both in Sun and Star you create mayhem in Arasaka office,stock crash,Yorinobu leaves Night City. But in Star you also caused damage to Night Corp and Militech and they are not retreating anywhere. If you add Peralez as new Major which is pro-Nusa anticorporate(and Militech for sure is pleased with the outcome of your small ra),Sun looks safe to stay in the city, the mansion its just the symbolism that you reached the major league and are making money. Its similar of why Rogue can operate after helping to nuke a city.
In Star,you aligned with a bunch of misfits and still have 2 corps in town that you screwed them... running away is healthier than staying.

If you have to put yourself in the shoes of CDPR, do you think their reaction when people said "WHAT? There is no way to change hairstyle or modify my body in a Cyberpunk game, that can't be right?"
I have a personal theory (unconfirmed of course) that CDPR basically thought that their free DLC model of TW3 was valid also for CP2077, while 5 years have passed and yes the setting of CP2077 requires more degree of customization of body,car. If I look at the TW3 DLC

"Temerian Armor Set, Beard and Hairstyle Set, New Quest – ‘Contract: Missing Miners’, Alternative Look for Yennefer, Nilfgaardian Armor Set, Elite Crossbow Set, New Quest – ‘Fool’s Gold’, Ballad Heroes’ Neutral Gwent Card Set, New Quest – ‘Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear’, Alternative Look for Triss, New Quest – ‘Contract: Skellige’s Most Wanted’, Skellige Armor Set, Alternative Look for Ciri, New Quest – ‘Where the Cat and Wolf Play…’, New Finisher Animations, NEW GAME +"

Maybe I'm wrong, and those cosmetic stuff its not released as free DLC but I would tend to think that they didn´t read well the player base more than "something went wrong".
There is a subtle difference between Sun and Star endings that maybe you missed but help to understand why in one you own a mansion and in the other you are on the run
I can't say that it isn't the case. Only as I saw it, Rogue never said anything about giving me the bar, obviously because she didn't plan on dying I guess :D and nothing were indicated that I would make a lot of money. It might have been some symbolic ending, but if that were the case, it was way to symbolic for me, because I didn't get it all. :)

I have a personal theory (unconfirmed of course) that CDPR basically thought that their free DLC model of TW3 was valid also for CP2077, while 5 years have passed and yes the setting of CP2077 requires more degree of customization of body,car. If I look at the TW3 DLC
I think they have already confirmed that they are making these types of DLCs, they just haven't gotten around to them yet. So I think they will be there at some point, same goes with making expansions similar to Blood and wine etc. But these will be bigger in size and you have to pay for them.

But I personally just don't believe that they intended on releasing NC as dead as it is. To me, when you roam NC, I get the impression that they simply didn't get around to adding it. Sort of like the bar where you can dance, its there :), but it seems more like a placeholder or a developer making a quick test, rather than a fully integrated part of the game, because it feels completely out of touch, like that weird person that everyone stays away from :D
As I said I agree with the video that the pacing of the main quest was handled....well not horribly, but it was bad. The example with Takamura is valid imo, because there is no consequence for not going right away. By consequence, I don't mean you falling the quest or he attacking you (altho that will be amusing), but something like V saying 'No' or something and then getting spammed with messages. Or at least Takemura saying he will wait for the next few days at the specific time etc. Not necessarily big things, but something other than making as if the world is moving only when V is.
.....which is kinda funny with how the dialogue system works:)

But I also think that saying the world of CP77 as it is right now, feels dead is too much...it can be improved certainly, but that is too far:)
...and that is way offtopic I think....go practice necromancy on a an old thread in story section if you want to discuss that.
I can't say that it isn't the case. Only as I saw it, Rogue never said anything about giving me the bar, obviously because she didn't plan on dying I guess :D and nothing were indicated that I would make a lot of money. It might have been some symbolic ending, but if that were the case, it was way to symbolic for me, because I didn't get it all.
Strangely, I don't know why, but it doesn't surprise me ! Maybe you didn't choose some blue dialogue lines sometimes/somewhere ?
No I'm kidding ;)
But I agree with everything @Didacgomez said ;)
Perhaps I was reading it in the wrong tone, my bad.

It seems to me that there was at least some frustration behind it if not passive aggressiveness, and I took it the wrong way.

*bows head* :)

No worries, my personal theory is that the vast majority of arguments on this kind of forum are due to every one forgetting that the written medium just isn't any good at conveying tone or intention every now and again.

I can see why some specific posts might've given you this impression but again, I assure you, it was inadvertent. I simply don't care enough about the discussion to elicit any kind of emotional response. I'm really just enjoying it for what it is, a civil discussion about some of CDPR's actions (or lack of).
Same as me, I do have a session every now and then but I can't commit fully because the longer I play the more I get frustrated myself with the traffic AI algorithm, it doesn't let the immersion sink in whilst driving around the city and enjoying the sights.

In fact lately to get immersed I just slowly walk around and create a sort of head canon based on tidbits of information lying around, like graffiti, NPC attire, abandoned buildings and shady characters at street corners, it's quite relaxing :).
I'm happy for you if you can do that. I'm just not wired that way. I have absolutely no interest in that kind of experience. Even if I wanted to, I'd quit within minutes, it's simply not why I play games.

Plus I live and work in one of the world's largest cities. I get my fill of graffities, abandoned buildings and shady characters on street corners during my everyday life. Shady characters on street corners aren't relaxing to me, they're cause to worry.

That last bit is a joke. The city is great and it's shady characters are just the right amount of shady. I wish I could enjoy it the way you do because the city itself is absolutely gorgeous but I can't.

"Temerian Armor Set, Beard and Hairstyle Set, New Quest – ‘Contract: Missing Miners’, Alternative Look for Yennefer, Nilfgaardian Armor Set, Elite Crossbow Set, New Quest – ‘Fool’s Gold’, Ballad Heroes’ Neutral Gwent Card Set, New Quest – ‘Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear’, Alternative Look for Triss, New Quest – ‘Contract: Skellige’s Most Wanted’, Skellige Armor Set, Alternative Look for Ciri, New Quest – ‘Where the Cat and Wolf Play…’, New Finisher Animations, NEW GAME +"

Maybe I'm wrong, and those cosmetic stuff its not released as free DLC but I would tend to think that they didn´t read well the player base more than "something went wrong".

That's one thing I am wondering about. CDPR has been clear about this in the past that the free DLCs would be at least of the same level and quality as what was released for TW3. Which would be entirely fine had the game been released in a much better shape but it didn't.

Within the same time frame TW3 had all it's DLCs out and the, in my opinion, great HoS expansion was already released. CP2077 is arguably not fixed to a "reasonable" degree (the definition of changes depending on who you ask hence the quotes) after 7 months. Does CDPR believe that the kind of free DLCs they released for TW3 is really sufficient it to make people happy?

It just might but I'm getting the feeling that throwing a few cosmetics at people isn't going to cut it.

One thing I'm certain of is that CDPR is widely criticized about their lack of transparency about the game's state before release and they're currently repeating mistakes they made just a few months ago. Now it's about the game's future and what people should or shouldn't expect.
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Guest 3847602

I have a personal theory (unconfirmed of course) that CDPR basically thought that their free DLC model of TW3 was valid also for CP2077, while 5 years have passed and yes the setting of CP2077 requires more degree of customization of body,car. If I look at the TW3 DLC
I thought about that too, but what gives me pause is:
- Beard and Hairstyle Set was day 1 free DLC, so it was essentially a part of the game from the very begging. Even without installing this DLC, you'd still have barbers with (only) a few hairstyles and beardstyles to chose from
- The Witcher 2 had barbers in launch version
For some reason, they decided to make Cyberpunk 2077 the exception. o_O
like that weird person that everyone stays away from :D

Nothing wrong with that....it's a good thing it is there for such V!:)

That said I don't see where you see a dead city...you have the conversations when wandering the city, you have the special little events(
like you sitting for a drink and the place getting robbed
) etc...

Edit: maybe an improvement might be if they introduced some random events....
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I thought about that too, but what gives me pause is:
- Beard and Hairstyle Set was day 1 free DLC, so it was essentially a part of the game from the very begging. Even without installing this DLC, you'd still have barbers with (only) a few hairstyles and beardstyles to chose from
- The Witcher 2 had barbers in launch version

I always imagined that they wanted something more (
like the eye surgery in the beginning
) but ended with too much and then epidemic on top of that:)
...otherwise, I don't understand why still no barber. I can't imagine why a simple mirror leading you to restricted character creator would be hard:)
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But I also think that saying the world of CP77 as it is right now, feels dead is too much...it can be improved certainly, but that is too far:)
When I say dead, I mean the moment you interact with the world. Just driving around and looking at stuff or walking down the street, the illusion works decent. Obvious you have the pop ins of people, you have them turning around when they bump into each other, the traffic that is stuck etc.

But in general, if you just roam around without focusing to much on things, its decent. The moment you start to interact with people, and their replies are all over the place, like a person clearly on drugs, will answer in a coherence way and with a voice clearly not on drugs, it just collapses in seconds :)

The moment you see something that would be cool to examine closer, either you can't go there or the vendor is just standing there looking at you, that doesn't really work either. Its in that way I mean the world is dead.
I always imagined that they wanted something more (
like the eye surgery in the beginning
) but ended with too much and then epidemic on top of that:)
...otherwise, I don't understand why still no barber. I can't imagine why a simple mirror leading you to restricted character creator would be hard:)

Pretty much the same question as why is there no key binding to walk on PC yet?

An objectively much easier thing to implement than a lot of what they've done so far. Yet, even now we have to go through modders or very impractical modifications of our own to simply not run around walking NPCs all the time.

Guest 3847602

Pretty much the same question as why is there no key binding to walk on PC yet?

An objectively much easier thing to implement than a lot of what they've done so far. Yet, even now we have to go through modders or very impractical modifications of our own to simply not run around walking NPCs all the time.
They probably have a rigid to-do list and QoL improvements are placed far behind dealing with bugs and performance issues.
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