Sabbath Deck (Why did Swim not think of this?)

Eredin 165
Dragon's Dream 12 (important)
Iris' Companions 10
Geralt of Rivia 10
Imlerith 9 (a.k.a. Sabbath) (important)
Unicorn 9
Chironex 9
Skellige Storm 8
Whispess 8
Brewess 8
Weavess 8
Nivellen 8 (important)
Lacerate 7 2x
Wild Hunt Ridders 6 2x

Definitely an all in deck (which loses to Bran most of the time, considering they can tech First Light).

The idea is to use "Sabbath" with Eredin round 1 to bully the opponent out and then use Dragon's Dream to overwhelm the opponent Round 3.
The order can be changed, however that is the general idea.
The list is everything but optimized, so input would be greatly appreciated.

Alternatively Ciri: Dash can force the round to be shorter than 5 rounds, meaning Round 3 WILL be 10 turns long.

I guess I do not have to mention the deck loses against Scorch in a lot of cases and opening with the Eredin play is weak against Predatory Dive.
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Be sure to add Naglfar, as the deck will be too inconsistent without.

Edit: Oh well nvm, companions works too
I thought about Naglfar, however it can easily screw one over, although it makes the expensive Golds more consistent, enabling one and confirming another on the draw.
I have been thinking about replacing Geralt of Rivia with Igni, given that the main issue in Round 3 are large units like Mourntart, however that might just be an upleasant matchup and Yrden might be better for that.
One could also just concede that matchup.

What is your opinion on Ciri: Dash against Imlerith ?
Imlerith secures the Round 1, however does not scare the opponent out, Dash should definitely scare out an opponent, however has only an 8 point immune body.
I'm finding every time I include DD in a deck - and I prefer Yen to Sabbath - the oppo miraculously pulls Iris out their backside, you'll find the same problem thanks to matchmaking. It also lacks tempo or control, in my opinion.

There's Harald, Scorch, Pred Dive, Rag-Nar, etc., or you could just face a big monster and again your main card does nothing.

Like most aggressive decks it's an all or nothing, but personally I prefer less reliance and more balance.
I'm finding every time I include DD in a deck - and I prefer Yen to Sabbath - the oppo miraculously pulls Iris out their backside, you'll find the same problem thanks to matchmaking. It also lacks tempo or control, in my opinion.

There's Harald, Scorch, Pred Dive, Rag-Nar, etc., or you could just face a big monster and again your main card does nothing.

Like most aggressive decks it's an all or nothing, but personally I prefer less reliance and more balance.
You might be right about Yen, it also obsoletes Geralt of Rivia (which is funny when you think about it), allowing more space there.
Iris is unfortunate, however Lacerate, Skellige Storm and Werecat can also do 2/3 or 1/3 of its effect.
Actually come to think of it Brouver could be a better leader, given that with him, Renew, Crushing Trap and Dragoons one could go for that strategy in 2 Rounds and people tend to commit too little in that direction.

In terms of Rag-Nar I do run First Light as a filler and getting it Round 1 is rather secure.
And in terms of Scorch the game is propably lost anyways.
You might be right about Yen, it also obsoletes Geralt of Rivia (which is funny when you think about it), allowing more space there.
Iris is unfortunate, however Lacerate, Skellige Storm and Werecat can also do 2/3 or 1/3 of its effect.
Actually come to think of it Brouver could be a better leader, given that with him, Renew, Crushing Trap and Dragoons one could go for that strategy in 2 Rounds and people tend to commit too little in that direction.

In terms of Rag-Nar I do run First Light as a filler and getting it Round 1 is rather secure.
And in terms of Scorch the game is propably lost anyways.

I keep Geralt in. When Yen appears, the oppo play tends to make a big unit to stop her damage scaling. Therefore it's worth keeping a bunch of deploy damage at hand, Geralt ideally, then Adda:Striga, WH Hound, Cyclops, etc. The stupid Unicorn/Chironix pops up every time so I always try to make sure I can wipe the first out and - if I can't - that I have Geralt to wipe out the boost. I keep most units low if possible in R3.

I find that anything requiring setup is typically crapped on by matchmaking and leads to frustrating games, so almost every unit I have does something on deploy apart from a couple of deathwish. I steadfastly refuse to run a unit that can be removed by low prov cards, i.e. no artefacts (Sapper), no row effect (clear skies), etc.
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