Scoiatael Buffs next patch

Yes, the point of updates is to balance things. Not necessarily kill viable, non-toxic combo decks because they dare to work well. There's always going to be "meta" and netdecks, and in an age of warfare boardwipes and point spams and 100-point single play swings, and like, NG existing, YES, as far as I'm concerned waylay elves payoff combo IS fine. And that thing about "barely any setup for 32 points" is - for the hundredth time - just straight up false. Before saying that, I recommend you play 20 matches with the deck and see how many of those matches you will land the 32 points with barely any setup. My guess is maybe 3.
You could be right, it's a card game after all, a lot is dependant on drawing Vanadain first. This however, seems rather easy, considering cheap tutors like Alzur, too add spice, get Marching Orders to guarantee Simlas play in round three. That's the whole setup really, which often leaves you with nothing on the board vs at least 6 bodies that will soon be followed by Isengrim or Vernossiel. That combo is much stronger than Simlas playing double Harvest, not only in terms of rng, pure value and remaval, but also tempo - which seems quite odd, considering that cost of the card is the same.
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Simlas isn’t really the problem here. Nerf (or better yet, get rid of) Alissa Henson.
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