Scoia’tael or Skellige — who will win the new Faction Challenge?

lobstah1125;n10476642 said:
Sorry if this has been answered somewhere before but how do I select a faction on Xbox?

In the news section, click on the faction challenge article and you'll get a pop-up with a choice.
Esmer;n10473752 said:
It looks like "get x wins with a faction" challenge.

I agree. It's really nice that actually only a person that win some games will get the rewards, but there should be some extra reward for the faction that wins overall... Maybe you can still consider it ?:)
Siverious;n10477082 said:
I agree. It's really nice that actually only a person that win some games will get the rewards, but there should be some extra reward for the faction that wins overall... Maybe you can still consider it ?:)

Agree. Maybe a random faction specific legendary for a winner. On top of border ofc.
I will go with skellige I think...since skellige already appeared once (tho no frame reward at that time) so it has less chance to appear again in short future.

Have to save my elven swap deck fot future I guess:comeatmebro:
Lyserus;n10477272 said:
I will go with skellige I think...since skellige already appeared once (tho no frame reward at that time) so it has less chance to appear again in short future.

Have to save my elven swap deck fot future I guess:comeatmebro:

Skellige all the way.. Scoeitell forever now will be dwarves to me, still bad taste in my mouth. Crush those dwarves.
I disagree that the winning faction should get an extra reward as this will push user to play the same faction as in every meta some factions are more played then others. Currently ST should be much more played then skellige. This can only be solved if only games between the both factions count but then it will be very hard to get the needed wins and you will have too much forfeits.

A possible solution can be a seperate arena where you can enter with your favorite faction and only play against the other faction. Perhaps something like this is planned for the future. Then extra rewards for the winning faction make sense again.
Skellige is going to win because axe-men is op as hell. They have 4 including Darren or whatever his name is and every one can be resurrected so that is a total of 8 killer engine pieces. It's absolutely ridiculous how 150 people or so can work on this game and nobody notices. That is why the game is broken, I don't believe those who make the game play it enough. Oh well I just forfeit right away. I got my 30 wins tonight...1 was against skellige.

Also for those that didn't see the total bs going on in that deck I'll give you the solution, make them ALL doomed. 4 engine pieces is more than enough to get the job done, not 8. You pounded ST for being slightly op now lets see if you can do the same for skellige.
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Hellsmoke77;n10478722 said:
Skellige is going to win because axe-men is op as hell.

The problem with X-men isn't that they are OP, but rather about whether or not the opponent has an answer. If you are playing X-men against Viper Witchers, it's pretty much game over when all of your X-men get sniped even before they can grow. ST has some nasty ways to shut them down too with Scorch and Compression.

X-men are like Nekkers, if you let them run rampart, you will lose, but neither are OP.

4RM3D;n10478872 said:
The problem with X-men isn't that they are OP, but rather about whether or not the opponent has an answer. If you are playing X-men against Viper Witchers, it's pretty much game over when all of your X-men get sniped even before they can grow. ST has some nasty ways to shut them down too with Scorch and Compression.

X-men are like Nekkers, if you let them run rampart, you will lose, but neither are OP.

No sorry but other than the Viper Wichers which should also be doomed btw, there is no real counter. Am I expected to bring 8 removal to the table that hit 8+ and they are even stronger when resurrected or something I had a few pop out at 10 points with armor. It's ridiculously op just like the viper witchers. Those two things and the firepower NR has at the moment keeps me from playing ranked and forfeiting the moment I identify one of those decks. Playing ST or monsters you have absolutely no chance against that stuff.
Hellsmoke77;n10478942 said:
Playing ST or monsters you have absolutely no chance against that stuff.

X-men are predictable, which you can turn to your advantage. You just need to know how to deal with them and when to pass. Monsters and ST definitely have a shot at crushing X-men. Even NR can win against them, although it's a bit more challenging.
4RM3D;n10479072 said:
X-men are predictable, which you can turn to your advantage. You just need to know how to deal with them and when to pass. Monsters and ST definitely have a shot at crushing X-men. Even NR can win against them, although it's a bit more challenging.

We will have to agree to disagree I guess. No matter what you say, 8 engine pieces that strong are simply too much. I had a ST mulligan deck which included Ithline with double zap, a mage/decoy combo and a lock as well as Lorveth which hits for 8. That's 6 removal and the guy ended up with almost 200 points. He was good I'll give him that but I was ready and I played him out the best I could. He forced me out of the first round while I simply tried to survive the gold weather and the skellige storms and dry passed me round two. Round three he resurrected the bunch and pounded me, no chance.

I'd like to see someone beat that with ST or monsters. Nothing monsters has gets 200 points on the board other than consume and consume runs no control, they will get slaughtered. ST running a full control deck might stop the attack but wont put any points on the board. NR and NG are op as well so they might have a deck or two bbut they are part of the problem so that doesn't surprise me. I'll just forfeit and hope things change in the future. Make sure to look at the stats when this is done, I bet you skellige wins by a long shot.
Hellsmoke77;n10479152 said:
I'd like to see someone beat that with ST

Well. I can't SHOW you but believe you me it's very easy to shut down axemen with control ST Eithne or Spells. All you need is Mandrake and AC. Same applies to consume Nekkers.
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