Self-Driving Car *Spoiler Alert*

Maybe the Delamain car you receive has more armor or is bulletproof like the Caliburn?
(didn't test this)

Hmm... I tested this and the car endurance is about the same as the others for me. Although it was on 1.06

Speaking of which, does anyone know if (lore wise) Delamain Jr. is supposed to have a combat mode too?
It would be nice if they added a quest with new car, if you merged personalities. Maybe a site-seeing quest. Drive around and interact with Del Jr. at locations or trigger events.
It'd be interesting if they gave you a self driving car but I don't think you get that as a quest reward? lol I know you get a version of the car but I don't think it's self driving.
It's a shame that the Delamain cabs only drive themselves during story-relating driving cutscenes (specifically those in Act 1).

I couldn't deal with self-driving cars IRL though, I prefer to drive myself since I make better time. And I don't trust AI.
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