May I ask why you keep bringing up burka in this discussion ?In that case skimpy clothes are also not sexist if those who wear it does not consider it sexist. The problem is there is a lot more woman that are forced to wear burka than those forced to wear skimpy clothes, at least if we don't count pathological, criminal scenarios that are not accepted by society.
In most countries that women are required to wear burka, men also are required by law to wear certain clothing and avoid wearing certain clothing. For example men are required to wear keffiyeh or turban and cannot wear shorts and short sleeved shirts in a number of countries. So this issue is not based on sex, it is simply the lack of freedom and government dictatorship. Please don't try to make it about sexism based on stereotypes. Burka was not created by a bunch of evil men trying to control women.
Most Middle Eastern clothing including men's keffiyeh and women's burka covered the face and skin to protect them form the sun and sand and dirt. Majority of Middle East has hot and dry weather with burning sun shining all day, and the ground is composed of flat surfaces such as deserts that do not provide shading. People did not have access to sunscreen back in the day, so they used clothing to protect their skin from sunburns and that's how burka and keffiyeh got created. They also made breathing easier and protected people form sand and dirt, since sand and dirt got kicked up in the air because of the dry weather and wind. In worst case scenarios, they protected people from sand storms. So burka was not created to impose sexism, and it was created long before Abrahamic religions including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Unfortunately today some governments force women to wear burka and men to wear keffiyeh or turban and cover up their arms and legs for religious reasons, and it goes both ways in majority of cases. It is not a sexism issue that only targets women, it is simply a case of dictatorship and lack of freedom since men are also targeted.
And finally burka does not have anything to do with this discussion which is about sexism in Witcher games, and as far as I remember no one wore burka in Witcher 1 or 2