Sexual preference and genital/body type

I'll try to stay tactful and please be respectful, when replying, as I feel this is valid constructive criticism, for CDPR going forward with DLCs and FLCs.

So to start, the game was promoted as in game love interests having differing sexual preferences.
And to a small extent yes.
Their preference is in whether they have a masculine or a feminine voice.

For anyone that does not know, sexual partners are tied with character creations voice option, not body type or genital type, or any combination.

While this conveys a, it doesn't matter what you look like overtone. This format fails to take into account actual sexual preferences.

Going forward for future DLC/FLC added love interests, I would like to see these sexual preferences expanded.
While I would like to see a few open non preferential potential love interests added, I would also like to see some who's preferences are for a certain body type, or genital type. Even some bonus romantic options that have very specific tastes. Ie must play a feminine voice feminine body masculine genital, or any combo of.

The more preferenced options could add to replayability or even Easter egg options
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