Today on
My Life is Super Murder
(no connection or similarity to
My Life is Murder starring
Xena Warrior Princess)
Biology/Physics 101: Look do I know how I put the lamp through that gonk w/o punching a giant hole in the guy? No.
But I did, and it's there so call me V, the Physics Merc.
Has this happened to you? You blow off half a person's head and they did NOT have the decency to be near a place to hide the body!
What's a hard working merc to do?!
Roll Intimidation. Be Forceful. Sternly inform anyone stumbling onto the scene that they have NO business being there. And that blood on the ledge, like that lady behind me, is a pre-existing condition. NOT that it's any of THEIR business!
Just overload those gonks with BS Alpha energy till they leave.
Get Psychological, Tell the Truth. Tell them EXACTLY what happened, play by play, every detail, in the most boring or gonk way possible. (and then the pieces of her head expanded out like this!)
You'll drain them of any energy to care anymore. (hat tip Colin Robinson)
Vogue. Strike a Pose, There's Nothing to it. Everyone knows mercs are sexy. Work it gurl!
If nothing else, you've shifted their point of view so that her head doesn't look very blowed up anymore.