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We found the new Punk Knife :)
My bad you can keep V's head fixed in the amm mod. Ignore the previous question.
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This game looks amazing and this time, instead of general landscapes and obvious photomode themes, I have paid lot of attention to "invisible" stuff. The amount of tiny little details we miss all the time while passing by is huge. It is there clearly visible, but usually we won't "see" it. Unless it's all taken away.

For example you can almost read the papers on the ground, even if it's only trash. And nature slowly taking over.



And the amount of details in random things, in totally random shop.


And if you look up while walking around totally random streets, you again see a lot of details in totally random places.



And finally some plumbing and cleaning products! Specificly those pipe details impressed me a lot. Bit weird to say perhaps, but it looks damn beautiful.
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