Should Battle Rush always be available?

I generally never play seasonal but decided to give it a try because of the journey quest that recquires you to finish five matches in this mode. And what can I say, Battle Rush is just absolutely amazing, especially if you don't have time for a regular match of Gwent or simply don't want to wait for your opponent that long to make his or her move. It's also incredibly convenient for people who just want to collect the crown pieces for the journey. I know this could make it somewhat less special as it would be available all the time instead of only a month or two, but I'd really love to play this more often.
I personally prefer that the seasonal match changes when the season does. It makes you have to think about the new match style and allows people who struggle at that one a change to something that may be more suited to their play style.


Forum regular
Battle Rush is hardly playable mode for mobile users.

i would prefer shorter rounds in each seasonal mode, but not as short as in battle rush

not just for mobile users, im sometimes playing it on igpu of i5 2400, which is hardcore, like any card or leader with aimed ability is almost useless there


Forum veteran
Short answer: Yes

Long answer:
I'd like a match that was faster than standard but I also find Battle Rush a little too fast for my poor brain. Probably in the minority here though.
Like Lexor said, battle rush is unplayable in mobile.

So its not like the other seasonal where you need to create a new deck to fit the rules of the seasonal. In battle rush its an unfair match, because mobile players has disvantage agains PC players.

While in mobile i need to create a deck with only a limited cards, PC players can use other cards that i cant use in mobile.

So i dont think battle rush should stay forever.

But, if the devs will improvement that, i suggest make some kind of philter wich PC players plays agains PC players and same for mobile players.
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