Should the next Cyberpunk have multiplayer?


Should it?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 16.7%
  • No

    Votes: 55 83.3%

  • Total voters
Definitely a big fat NO!

CDPR made their name because of their awesome singleplayer games and they really nailed it with both the Witcher series and Cyberpunk. I would hate for them to waste years just so that we get some watered down multiplayer where nothing matters. In Cyberpunk 2077 you're the hero on your journey yet in a multiplayer game you're just another random goon in a city full of random goons. Your actions don't matter and everything would just devolve into fetch quests and boss-fights on a timer.

So no, I would rather see CDPR work on the next great singleplayer Cyberpunk game where we can either continue in Night City a few years after the events of V or that somehow all the endings from 2077 merged together and V will once more have another crack at the city.

Multiplayer would just result in a much lesser game in my opinion. We don't need Cyberpunk to be the next GTA.

Now some sort of co-op option where you could play with one or two friends I could see as a possibility but I would really hate it if CDPR would waste 7+ years of development time just to give me some watered down MMO.

Already singleplayer games were muscled out of the industry with all that live services and lootbox crap and it's very hard nowadays to get any good singleplayer games. Don't let Cyberpunk become yet another casualty of the whole MMO treadmill please.

Thankfully I see that the majority of players here are also against multiplayer. Proves to show that we simply don't want it and don't need it.

If you want multiplayer, just go play GTA Online or something but please leave Night City alone.


Forum veteran
I'd like to rephrase the question in order to provide a more personal answer.
  • Should the next Cyberpunk, a sequel available for PC, come with a multiplayer mode? — No. Focus on the single player mode. It doesn't even need to be "open world".
  • Should Valve use parts of Night City as an inspiration for battlegrounds in Counterstrike? — Yes, definitely!
Multiplayer? sure, think ME3 multiplayer. live service? maybe. remember when multiplayer got "tacked" onto almost every x360 game? (lookin at you assassins creed brotherhood) if youre going to do multiplayer and NOT live service, it should benefit the experience and the story of the game... co-op in Night City, i.e. you drive, i'll shoot, or i'll sneak around the back while you chat with these chooms in the front to distract them, etc... if all hell breaks loose, you go right, i'll go left, so on and so forth. if you want to do a cyberpunk meets fortnight or overwatch, maybe division, or even a league of legends style that should be its own thing, not "tacked" on to the other... some peeps like single player, maybe with an ME3-style or couch co-op style multiplayer, others like the live service-style multiplayer... in the cyberpunk world i think theres room for both, but i do think they are mutually exclusive.
I too would perhaps like a co-op mode. Doing a hard mission with a friend could be fun, but the all out pvp or similar, i wouldnt even touch myself.
From a business perspective I actually think yes, so long as, RDR2 style, the multiplayer element is kept separate from the single player game.

These types of complex, huge open world games cost astronomical amounts of money to develop and, if they bomb, they can end studios. The cashflow problem can also force studios to release games faster than they'd like just to have something out there bringing in funds.

Multiplayer games can help with this because they can bring in a continuous stream of cash to help smooth out the natural bumpiness and risk of game development. Multiplayer games don't run out. It's not "sell the game once and you're done". That, in turn, can take some of the financial pressures off that can harm development of non-multiplayer games (and non-multiplayer parts of games).
Ultimately: No

Using the current game as an example: If could fire up CP2077 and play like we do now and the only acknowledgement of the existence of multiplayer is the option in the menu. Sure that's fine. I'm all about feature that enhance things for other who like those things but don't fluff up the experience as a whole.

The only multiplayer I'd be interested in is couch co-op. My wife and I enjoy games that offer that like Borderlands or Baldurs Gate. But not many games do local co-op, so I'd be surprised if it was something that would be considered.

And that's IF they can pull any multiplayer off. I'd rather they just focus on what what they are good at, single player narrative game

Guest 4719259

It's possible. With a stealth option, with cloaking and ambush hacks.
I wonder if an option to pump players with different perks during the match would be added. Imagine if the whole team chose netrunners abilities to pump )) What would a netrunners match look like in multiplayer? :)
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From a business perspective I actually think yes, so long as, RDR2 style, the multiplayer element is kept separate from the single player game.

These types of complex, huge open world games cost astronomical amounts of money to develop and, if they bomb, they can end studios. The cashflow problem can also force studios to release games faster than they'd like just to have something out there bringing in funds.

Multiplayer games can help with this because they can bring in a continuous stream of cash to help smooth out the natural bumpiness and risk of game development. Multiplayer games don't run out. It's not "sell the game once and you're done". That, in turn, can take some of the financial pressures off that can harm development of non-multiplayer games (and non-multiplayer parts of games).


One does not need to look much further than GTA6 for proof of this.

If there is any truth to the two billion price tag to develop GTA6, that's all the proof you need. It's an insane amount of money that no studio would ever risk injecting into a single project unless they have the constant stream of money the multiplayer component of GTA5 brings.

As long as it's kept separate from the single player portion, I'm all for it in fact. A reliable and steady stream of revenue is a security net very few AAA studios have. I'm sure CDPR was hoping theirs would be GOG but after all this time I think they realize it'll likely never reach a point where they can can expect GOG to bring in enough money to reliably and securely keep them going and fund massive projects. A multiplayer success could but achieving that success is no small task and the Cyberpunk world is most likely the best setting to draw in huge crowds.

Guest 4719259


One does not need to look much further than GTA6 for proof of this.

If there is any truth to the two billion price tag to develop GTA6, that's all the proof you need. It's an insane amount of money that no studio would ever risk injecting into a single project unless they have the constant stream of money the multiplayer component of GTA5 brings.

As long as it's kept separate from the single player portion, I'm all for it in fact. A reliable and steady stream of revenue is a security net very few AAA studios have. I'm sure CDPR was hoping theirs would be GOG but after all this time I think they realize it'll likely never reach a point where they can can expect GOG to bring in enough money to reliably and securely keep them going and fund massive projects. A multiplayer success could but achieving that success is no small task and the Cyberpunk world is most likely the best setting to draw in huge crowds.
For some reason I remembered an old project called Red Crucible that was owned by Rocketeer Games Studio, I think from California. The project was accompanied by a bunch of problems, don't know for sure, I played there for a while literally a thousand years ago, and it seems something quite bad happened to them eventually. However, they were able to stay afloat for years just because of the multi-player + online store. Well, that is, the game itself was a combat multiplayer, which was connected to the online store, where players could buy advanced weapons, military equipment, gear, up to colored gloves and tactical caps. )
If it is possible to separate the main version of the Cyberpunk and the multiplayer component, the idea might work, especially if the online shop is extended to the main game. Then it will be possible to sell players not only, for example, tattoos, umbrellas and posters with Keanu Reeves, but also extra equipment, scripts, mods and even stand-alone missions. If speaking about long-term funding, this could help.
No. Good stories and good RPGs are exclusively single-player.

Not to mention that if you have any sort of online component, you'll probably want anti-cheat and/or anti-grief measures, which means that modding will be further limited. And it'll require an internet connection.

Furthermore, what is there to be gained? We already have a host of multiplayer games, whereas there's a great dearth of good single player games.

Eh, we'll see. I'm certainly not holding my breath for CDPR to make anything half-decent these days, and won't even think about giving them another cent if they leave CP2077 in the state that it's in now.
I'm firmly on the side of no multiplayer.

Multiplayer requires development time and resources. It also often has a knock on effect into single player portions of a game (Such as how they might have to implement time slowing effects)

Given that CP2077, which is entirely single player, was not completed in time for release... Do we really want the team to stretch themselves even more to add in multiplayer to Orion?

People cite a reason to do it being GTA5's success... But what of RDR online? What of things like Anthem where a SP company tried to do MP?

Simply slapping out a MP game does not automatically create success, even more so if it happens to be the first time a studio has even tried to implement it (So imagine how trash their servers are going to be with no frame of reference for infrastructre...)
Not in the main story-driven game. I would be fine with a separate PvE sandbox in the style of the tabletop game that happened to take place in Night City, though.
Hey, Carl here, I NEED a cyberpunk multiplayer game. And I came here to try to make a case for why I think it's needed. As I came here I searched up multiplayer in a thread to see if other people need this as much as i, and seen a poll that showed everyone voting on no for multiplayer, and felt a little discouraged. I agree with most things they say when they say it will probably take too long, or they need to put detail into everything so it will take time off doing that... but multiplayer in cyberpunk just makes sense. Night city is so crazy you, seeing other online people in the city wreaking havoc, going cyberpsyco makes sense. There's already a beautiful formula that works and a beautiful setting it can take place in. If cyberpunk had a gta online type of multiplayer, where you can be in an open lobby or squad up and do jobs/gigs, it would be one of the greatest games ever in my opinion. Maybe if there was a separate mode or char where youll get a whole different set of jobs and side gigs, and jobs from fixers and be able to choose whether or not you want to do those jobs. Or maybe even a cyberpunkrp kind of like gta and fivem?? Maybe im just crazy??? but i yearn for a cyberpunk multiplayer game, i NEED it. Night city is so beautiful and detailed, and sometimes you just feel like if you had a homie or 2 to explore the city with and become mercs, like david did with maine and rebecca and them, this would be the greatest game ever. I need a cyberpunk multiplayer before i die. please. i dont care how long it takes. i will do a backflip sitting down with a 50 pound weight vest on to be able to have a cyberpunk multiplayer game before i die. I hope this reaches the right people who can make this happen. PLease
Night city is so crazy you, seeing other online people in the city wreaking havoc, going cyberpsyco makes sense.

I think that's where a lot of people, including myself, lose interest in MP.

I really have zero interest in seeing someone dressed up to look as closely as they can to an actual penis running around destroying everything and everyone as if they're a one man army while yelling they're going cyberpsycho at the top of their lungs because they think it's fun. A lot of us play these types of games for the character building, storytelling, world crafting and overall immersion and nothing breaks all of this more than people going nuts in MP just cause they can.

Not criticizing your opinion or you if that's something you are interested in BTW, merely explaining why you're seeing these highly negative answers to MP.

All of this said, CDPR has announced that they will add MP to their IPs at some point. Remains to see what form that MP will take.
I would like it.
Racing comes to mind.
Also FFA, 5v5 coop, and Battle Royale modes.

But that would drain a lot of CDPR's resources; cheaters are rampant everywhere.

So... perhaps it's a 'no' from me too.
GTA-like multiplayer is certainly unnecessary, however the game could really use some coop missions
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