Show cards when milling spare cards

Show cards when milling spare cards

Pretty much the title, there is an option to mill spare cards but what are these cards? We can never see which cards are being milled, also what is spare? Cards we have more than we can use them in a single deck? How do we even know how many times we can use a certain card in a deck?
You can have up to 3 copies of each bronze cards, 1 of each silver, and 1 of each Gold in a Deck. If you for example will get a 4th copy of bronze or 2nd copy of Silver or Gold card you have in collection, you can immediately change it to fragments.
What about cards that have same name but different pictures ?

Which cards will be milled, in what order ? if you have for example 2x card_1, 2x card_2, 2x card_3, cards having different picture but same name.
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