So here is the thing. in game design things get cut when they impact the ability to release the game . now lets looks at the fact CDPR cut a good amount of content. now lets look at the state of the game ... atm not playable by many due to game breaking bugs. they fix game breaking bugs by adding more game breaking bugs. now if they had the other content added in... the game would be completely unplayable . they barely launched what they had set up. Now i am all up for more content and i would love to see most of the stuff added in. there were some things that were cut because they are just not feasible in the game. now if they bring in the cut content in with free DLC/patches then all is good. but they need to get the game working first. 1.1 does not clear up enough problems. once that is done and the game is stable then sure lets look at adding the content. I am even going to let you in on a little secret . those petitions mean nothing . no company cares about those and it will have no effect on the game. Stop wasting peoples time with pointless threads