Single card replay challenge

Single card replay challenge

So, inspired by DRK3's "strong unit on hand challenge", and the absolute hatred of Sweers by some people, I wondered exactly how many times one could play a single Silver card.

The challenge is across all factions. I figured I can play Sweers at many as 5 times in a single round, with 1-4 more on subsequent rounds... I'll share the stupid idea of how this weekend if no one else posts it

obviously there's no point playing Sweers more than 3-4 times, but I'm willing to bet there are some other silvers that could be abused
Hmm... 100 % hypothetical, taking into account Creating and spawning a Sweers, but not stealing/copying Sweers from opponent:

1. Emhyr into Sweers into picking up Sweers
2. Cahir into Emhyr into Sweers into picking up Sweers
3. Sweers from hand
4. Summoning Circle into Sweers
5. Yennefer: Enchantress into Summoning Circle into Sweers
6. Renew into Yennefer: Enchantress into Summoning Circle into Sweers
7. Uma's Curse into Yennefer: Enchantress into Summoning Circle into Sweers
8. Decoy on Sweers
9. Dazhbog Runestone into Sweers

Shupe: Hunter could also replay Sweers, but would need to replace one Gold of the four already mentioned.
Somehow pulling off that entire chain with something like Vanhemar, Peter or Ceallach would be insane. :p
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Hmmm Yennefer would have to be dead for renew. plus you'd need a very cooperative opponent for the summoning circles, and the blessing of RNGesus on Uma / Runestone.

But I like how you think! = D

I was also wrong about how many I could get. 3-5 guaranteed, with an option of 0-3 follow up, Max 8, 6 likely. so not as impressive as I first thought
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Emhyr would also need to be dead for Cahir.

There's a reason (well, multiple reasons) I said "100 % hypothetical". ;)
Well it's saturday night, still no more nibbles....

.Emhyr > Decoy (Sweers)
B (you can stop here)
if Sweers is Alive:
.Vilgefortz (Sweers)
.Assire (Decoy, Sweers)
.Nilfgaardian Gate > Sweers
If Emhyr is Alive
.Letho: Kingslayer > Decoy (Sweers)
Else, If Emhyr is dead
.Cahir > Emhyr > Letho: Kingslayer > Decoy (Sweers)

if you neglected to move past A, Do B-C without Vilgefortz
Add in a Summoning Circle, and Yennefer: Enchantress if possible, and the above mentioned Uma's and Dazhbog for more fun

My original (wrong) play was to use Mandrake to shrink Sweers and then resurrect him, but Ointment only targets bronzes <=5, so no good
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Forum veteran
Im glad i could inspire something new and original. It seems you're already getting massive numbers on that silver, i'll explore the possibilities with other factions...
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