Skippy does not scale to user level anymore

After recent update, I've decided to play Cyberpunk 2077 one more time. Last play through had some quests glitched, was not able to complete them.
In new play through I've got my favorite weapon - Skippy. Noticed that weapon does not scale to user level anymore, and this uniq attribute is gone from weapon description. Is it a bug or an update change? Thanks.
Probably a change, I currently have it (I just pickup it) and you can upgrade it normally like all the other weapons.
I've loaded very old save game and noticed that Skippy damage is very low. Dropped it on the ground and picked it up. Damage was high again. On a new play through this action does not change damage. And yes, I've noticed myself that from now weapon is upgradable.
Maybe it was a little bit "too" overpowered :)
It only aiming head, no need to upgrade it... maybe "too" much in an update where they tried to "rebalance" the game
Disappointing! I hope this change gets reverted.
The only thing that could be annoying could be if you pickup it early game at "low" level. (like me level 20 or even before). It could cost a fair amount of component to upgrade it until the max level and you can't reset the cost by upgrading its version (If I'm right, it's epic at max).

Anyway, honestly, upgrading it is not the end of the world, Skippy still quite lethal in killer mode^^
It appears that they nerfed quite a few weapons. The SPT32 Grad sniper rifle, you know?, the...' From this weapon there is no cover' sniper rifle? Got news for ya, they can find cover real good now, 'Overwatch', and the 'O-Five', same thing. I finally bought a Ledgendary SPT32 and 'upgraded' it, but still can't get them while they are in cover.

oh well, was good while it lasted.
As far as Overwatch goes, they did nerf it's wall piercing ability. Or Removed is probably a better word.
There is a mod for PC that restores this ability.

I honestly don't know what they think they're doing with this game. Patch 1.6 actually introduced bugs and now that they've made it clear that they'll only be releasing 1 expansion for this game AND they also announced a sequel to the game... I think it's pretty safe to say that the expansion will introduce plenty of bugs and that many (most) of the bugs that have been present since Launch, will probably never get fixed. It's starting to look like the game will be abandoned in a buggy state, as they move on to their next project.
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