Slowly, slowly, slowly


Guest 4368268

It's really frustrating. For the first time in Homecoming I enjoyed Gwent (because of the Blitz mode) I just don't think current Gwent is interesting/complicated enough to warrant 20+ minute games and minute long turns. I wish they'd make Blitz permanent and I wouldn't be surprised if it would trump 'regular' Gwent
It's very easy for developers to introduce Blitz. All we have to do as community is to bother them long enough. People are finally starting to realize how good this game mode is able to satisfy their needs, which is a good thing, as it is something that can induce growth in the player-base.
Losing matches in Blitz-mode feels less frustrating compared to losing while playing ranked, as we quickly can engage ourselves in another match. A more casual approach towards match-making and deck creation is what we all can benefit from.
So once in a while, lets keep creating new posts, promoting the same topic, just to show them that we still care about the Blitz. Players unite.
August was my favourite month of Gwent this year. And it was all because of Blitz mode. I hope they will bring in back permanently.
I do think they need to speed up animations or give slightly longer per turn as some cards were unplayable in that mode unfortunately no matter how efficient you were with clicking.
Reducing time in ranked is a bad idea and they will never do it. A Blitz mode on its own however, sure! But it would probably have to be a mode with 0 rewards.
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