So, what's the purpose of using Eithne now?

Her huge nerf was caused mainly because of the old artifact and Schirru abuse and I get it. Never played those disgusting non unit artifact decks with her, so I'm not nostalgic about that, because no one liked it. But, I am a hardcore Scoia main and I was trying to build a deck around her. The only use I can think for her now, is to build her around the most expensive neutral cards, like Scorch-Igni, or Scorch-Regis. Old Scorchtael decks were kind of good because of beta gwent's point slamming direction. Now, she's the only 4 pts leader and building scorch decks in 2019 is more of a meme than a consistent archetype. I was hoping that the new dryad cards, will make her the dryad leader that she is and synergize with her in some way. I can't see it.

So my main point is that CDPR should completely rework her. Maybe change her completely to synegize with the new dryad cards. Like do X amount of damage and give poison, or something like that. What do you all think?
Her huge nerf was caused mainly because of the old artifact and Schirru abuse and I get it. Never played those disgusting non unit artifact decks with her, so I'm not nostalgic about that, because no one liked it. But, I am a hardcore Scoia main and I was trying to build a deck around her. The only use I can think for her now, is to build her around the most expensive neutral cards, like Scorch-Igni, or Scorch-Regis. Old Scorchtael decks were kind of good because of beta gwent's point slamming direction. Now, she's the only 4 pts leader and building scorch decks in 2019 is more of a meme than a consistent archetype. I was hoping that the new dryad cards, will make her the dryad leader that she is and synergize with her in some way. I can't see it.

So my main point is that CDPR should completely rework her. Maybe change her completely to synegize with the new dryad cards. Like do X amount of damage and give poison, or something like that. What do you all think?

I agree she would need a revamp. She's the dryad queen after all.
She works great with Deathblow.
So atleast her ability makes sense. If she is too weak is a different question.
Damage an enemy by 1.
Charges: 3
Deathblow: Spawn a Dryad Fledgling.

I like this. Simple, effective, balanced and definitely better / less boring than her current state. I was thinking something to synergize her with the new poison mechanic (dryad leader and all), but maybe it's gonna be too good and ppl will probably start riots if Scoia gets (aside from Brouver decks) something even close to tier 1 range.
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And change name to Eithlaff

Sure :)

Memes aside, she desperately needs a rework. Something Similar to Dettlaff's ability would work really well with her. I mean, look at Crach and Meve, they're basically the same ability but reversed.
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Guest 4344268

Her value is mostly her high provision cap, which is not saying much. She can potentially set up huge igni's with all the row stacking going on, but definitely not competitive. Good surprise factor though since no one plays it...

Double Edit: I take back my suggestion to buff her; she's actually fine because Regis: Bloodlust and Treant Boar buff her ability to remove engines so she's even more control oriented than before.
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I like her ability and the fact that she has such a high provision cap. She should get buffed by either increasing her damage pings by 1 or 2 or by adding maybe 1 or 2 extra provisions; but her concept as a control setup hero with generally higher quality cards is fun to play.

Edit: With shields coming into the game I think giving her 1 or 2 extra damage pings would be the best.

Yes, what this game is in desperate need of is another leader that removes or destroys cards, because it's just SO difficult to remove opponents cards
Totally agree.

I also have to add that Detllaff now totally outclass her. Eithne deals 4 dmg, Dettlaf deals 6 dmg and spawn 3 creatures! thats a 8 points difference.

The new leaders are very, very strong, especially the elf spirit and Dettlaf because not only are their great in sheer value, but they are super versatile, allowing for creative and flexible uses. Dettlaf makes controlling a bit too easy for monster deck.
Looking at her hot body.

It's not like there's much else to do except look at art in this game.
I've played her quite well during the last season (before CC), going to rank 6-7 without trouble.

She still has a lot of synergy with geralt: Professional, Scorch, and the elf that hurts damaged units units.

And a good provision cost, so you can afford all the mentioned cards.

My only complaint is that she has far more synergy with elves then dryads, which is a bit strange lorewise.

But i wouldn't say to a poison oriented leader, as it's hard to make a poison deck so far (had more success with NG then SC), but that seems quite hard to balance.
I think Eithne is nice how she is with the high provision cost and the individual pings but with the new leaders like Detlaff, still much stronger than her imo, a slight buff might be welcome. Maybe make her regain one charge each round? If too strong, she could start with only 3 for a total of 5 charges?
I've created this topic, one day after the crimson curse expansion and I didn't realize that she can be (surpisingly) all right with the new deathblow mechanic. That's mainly because of 2 neutral golds, like Gregoire and Regis - Bloodlust. I'm sure that Gregoire is going to be nerfed though, because his ability is too easy to trigger no matter the faction and leader. Plus, his provisions / points value ratio is too good to not be an auto-include in most decks. I don't think that Eithne is so crucial to trigger the deathblow mechanic though. Anyway, I still believe that she is below average, comparing her value to most other leaders.
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Forum veteran
I've created this topic, one day after the crimson curse expansion and I didn't realize that she can be (surpisingly) all right with the new deathblow mechanic. That's mainly because of 2 neutral golds, like Gregoire and Regis - Bloodlust. I'm sure that Gregoire is going to be nerfed though, because his ability is too easy to trigger no matter the faction and leader. Plus, his provisions / points value ratio is too good to not be an auto-include in most decks. I don't think that Eithne is so crucial to trigger the deathblow mechanic though. Anyway, I still believe that she is below average, comparing her value to most other leaders.

He is definitely getting nerfed. He is most useful in ST (specifically Eithne) and probably in NR too (due to control engines). So, yeah. He is definitely getting nerfed. Eithne shouldn't have any cards from which she can get value. Be it neutral or ST cards. It should/would be nerfed.

But he is definitely not an auto-include in all decks. MO and SK probably wont need them or get consistent value from him. So, the odds are pretty much against Gregoire. You know.. Useful to ST is strike 1 and Useless to MO is strike 2 and Useless to SK is Strike 3 and out.
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